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they look great to me!!!  i would never have known you had to the glue the unicorn if you hadnt told us... and as a grandparent i really love the second one!! lol im going to have to call my son to see when he can bring my grandson down again.....i told his parents that i would like them to bring him down more often between now and christmas because i want to start him working on the scroll saw i got him for christmas....it will be set up in my wood shop and he wont know its his saw till christmas....so far hes only used a scroll saw once in his life and since his parents dont scroll i want him to be comfortable with scrolling before he has his own at home....his parents will supervise him when he uses it ( one of the rules on the list of rules im going to print out for him) but they dont know anything about scroll sawing....my son watched me scroll as he was growing up but that was some 50 on years ago. lol  i will go through with them how to change the plade and such but i will no doupt get more calls from them after connor has his saw home and set up....im trying to go through my patterns now to find beginner patterns for him but now see im off topic AGAIN!!1

19 hours ago, Rockytime said:

Looks super Kevin. I especially like the bottom one. Is that your design?

Thanks Les,The pattern for the words was not spaced right between the words. i didn't notice it till it was done. This is an old one off my dead computer.

20 hours ago, Dragonkort said:

they look great to me!!!  i would never have known you had to the glue the unicorn if you hadnt told us... and as a grandparent i really love the second one!! lol im going to have to call my son to see when he can bring my grandson down again.....i told his parents that i would like them to bring him down more often between now and christmas because i want to start him working on the scroll saw i got him for christmas....it will be set up in my wood shop and he wont know its his saw till christmas....so far hes only used a scroll saw once in his life and since his parents dont scroll i want him to be comfortable with scrolling before he has his own at home....his parents will supervise him when he uses it ( one of the rules on the list of rules im going to print out for him) but they dont know anything about scroll sawing....my son watched me scroll as he was growing up but that was some 50 on years ago. lol  i will go through with them how to change the plade and such but i will no doupt get more calls from them after connor has his saw home and set up....im trying to go through my patterns now to find beginner patterns for him but now see im off topic AGAIN!!1

I pick up more tips an tricks in SSV that help so much, but gluing the horse puzzle was not one of them, lol . Conner likes certain things so base your patterns on something he likes. When I started, If I seen some thing I wanted to cut that influenced  my cutting tremendously. Thanks for looking!!!     

3 hours ago, new2woodwrk said:

Nicely done.

I don't see a problem with the Unicorn. Pieces all look well cut, nibs look fine etc.

Thanks for sharing it

Lol, you made me laugh!!! If i try to separate the pieces they will come off almost but hang up and you could stand the horse up in one piece sideways.

On 10/20/2020 at 12:09 PM, rdatelle said:

That happens to me to Kevin. Check your blade alignment. Mine was off just a little and that's all it took to make the pieces hard to get in. Now they all fit fine.


I recently got down and eyeballed the blade movements ,Your right it was out of plumb! I had to reverse the stationary set screw that the blade stops on the top and bottom blade holders. The top one the set screw come out about 1/8" and the bottom one is flush with the blade holder. funny how changing this setting did the trick!!!Thanks

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