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Thank you for your lovely comments.  Husband was stood on the very, very top handle of ladders trying to get into the loft and the ladders snapped. As he had his 'elbows' already through the hatch he didn't fall but he tore the muscles and tendons in his shoulder. They reckon anywhere between  3 + 8 months for recovery depending on how bad the tear is. He's right handed and that's the one he tore and believe me, I know from past experience, he doesn't make the best of patients. He's never had 'Slow Down' in his vocabulary.  🤣


Oh no Brenda! That’s not good news on hubby’s injury on so many different levels. 😉😏Prayers said for his quick and proper healing and patience and sanity for you all, especially with that extra bundle of joyful puppies to raise. Kudos to you for finding anytime at all in your shop. Extra prayers said for you. 😊

15 hours ago, Foxfold said:

I saw this picture on the internet and loved it, so I put it through Inkscape and came up with this.  Done purely because I liked it and I needed to get out of the house.

I have 10 pups, 6 adult dogs, 2 cats a pond full of enormous fish  and now a 'wounded' husband that all seem to think I have 4 pairs of hands. 🙈 

Stag Tricia half done.jpg



Very nice!  Good work on the pattern.

I can relate to your hsbands perdicament.  About  six weeks ago I tried to pick up something very heavy and strained my back.  I heard a pop so I may have actually torn a mussle.  The pain was real bad in the beginnning but has gotten better but is still there and I suspect it will be there for quite a while yet.   Ibuprofen helps but I'm limited on how much I can take because I'm suseptable to bleeding ulsers, so I just have to power through.  I do wish him a speedy recovery.



Lol, My brain try's to fool me and say I can do this because I've done it before but the body says no I cannot. Perfect timing when all the dogs were just born. i promised God i would not do anymore stupid things after I shorted the high tension wire with a falling tree,50,000 volts at 10 amps. I seen firefly just before it blew in front of my eyes holding the chainsaw in the falling tree. Poor hubby😷

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