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I have pics of the finished pieces after they got a finish on them. I'm not photographer. Thanks to Sheila Landry for the heart designs. I enlarged them to 125% over hers, as the jar fits so much better (and my first attempt at 100% with not enough spray adhesive and the pattern was constantly lifting off in teh small curls at the hearts tops.. but we won't tell anyone that.. we'll just keep that little goof amongst ourselves right?)


It's either Cocobolo or Bocote.. But I turned 2 yesterday. The gearshift one and another.. and I had reactions yesterday and big time today when i was down cleaning up all the chips. my sides and stomach all got red blotches on them and started itching. soon as I was done, I emptied the dust collector bags outside, got all the wood out of them best I could, and threw them in the wash machine so that it wont' have any residual dust to push through the bags. Then I hopped in the shower.. so far the blotches are fading and it's not as itchy and getting lighter in color. Guess once I get a definite ID on what it is, I won't be turning it. I'll post a pic of the the other just so someone can maybe ID that too.. wish they were marked...


The kit says it comes with Cocobolo, Bocote, Padauk, Bubinga, and Zebrawood


Looking at this link.. http://www.caponhi.com/latentleisure/Wo ... orking.htm the bocote box looks like the gearshift colors and grain, and the bubinga looks like the stopper in this edit.


Yes Marg, the reaction started going away just after taking the shower. The good thing was that after washing the dust collector bags, when I turned it on, the shop smelt all Downy fresh for about 10 min.. LOL


I talked to PSI, and they think it was the bocote that caused it. They suggest I stay away from the rosewood family.. but I've turned rosewood pens with no problem in the past.. They say that the remaining pieces I have are cocobolo, paduak, and zebrawood.


It's becoming annoying because I'm not even working with the stuff, but some stuff I do in the shop now it's still causing a reaction. Tonight I was cutting a new ZCI for the tablesaw. I unhooked the big 5" dustcollection tube from an adapter that steps it down so I can use it with my random orbit sander.. had a hard time getting it to stay over the coupler that is attached to the tablesaw side. looked in the opening t make sure a a pice of the tubing was not obstucting it. (it's that type like the old shop vacs.. spire wire that is molded with plastic) I could see dust inside the tube, and while making sure there was no plastic piece in the way, i must have touched some of the dust.. 15 min later i had a softball size section of my skin near my armpit getting red and itchy.. so into the shower I go, and that pair of clothes right into the wash...


Seems that all I need to do is take a shower and the reaction usually goes away.. so it has to be touch related.. guess this weekend I'm gonna have to pull the dust collector outside again, take teh fan cover off, make sure to clean it with windex or something, and then use a hose to clean out the inside of that 5" flexible tubing. I used that piece to suck up all the chips and dust from the lathe.. so it must still ahve some dust that's stuck to the ribbing. it's my only guess.. cause I can sit in the garage for hours cutting at teh scroll saw with oak and cherry with no problem.. the only thing different today was i touched the dust on the inside of the hose.

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