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Here is a test piece I did. 1/2" cherry and a 5/8" thick base.




I also turned another gearshift bottle stopper out of zebra woodand




I tried a .50cal bullet pen kit. I think I need to polish the brass differently next time to get the small pits out. Anyone use the PSI kit, and find that the bullet and the case seem a bit wobbly?




Nothing. Most of it was cut with a #5 reverse tooth blade, and some of the smaller corners were cut with a #2 reverse tooth. I personally think cutting the 1/2" is a pain. I will prob take the pattern and bring it down to 3/8" thick for the cutout and 1/2" for the base. Instead of using a 1/4" dowel I want to use 3/16" threaded rod, so if someone needs to they can take the fairy off the base for moving or something.


Nice work Kris.


I made the .50 cal pen last year and I know what you mean about the wobble. I was going to try reenforcing some of its guts with epoxy but someone swiped it. It's a novelty item and I don't think I'll make any more unless someone asks. I believe the brass comes with no coating but for the kit price, I think it's a pretty good deal.



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