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A much needed improvment to my shop


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Over the months, just about everything in my garage has been coated with a fine coat of dust kicked up mostly by my scrollsaw.

Especially since I use spirals alot, they tend to produce some very fine dust, it almost looks like light smoke coming off the wood.

I wast thinking months ago, wouldn't it be nice if I had a vent fan mounted right above the scroll saw ? That would suck most of the freshly made dust right out of the garage before it gets a chance to settle. Put that project on the back burner for the winter, but I finally got it done today, and I foresee a much cleaner working environment with this fan. I think this thing will suck at least 50% of the dust right out the vent.


Cost $70, which I thought was a bargain. Goes right through the wall, and has one of those vent flaps on the outside, which opens and closes automatically.

Was a snap to install, all I used was a sawzall to cut the hole, and a drill gun to screw it in. Caulked all around the seam, and hooked up the electrical, tapped it into an existing line.

Would highly recommend to anyone with similar circumstances ,,, I'm going to put in another one on the other side of the garage, where I have a brand new CNC router that will soon be kicking up some dust.


Can't find these just anywhere. The major stores like home depots/lowes don't carry this type, they only have those wimpy little bathroom vents. Found this one at Ace Hardware, for those of you with those stores around.

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That's a good idea. I hate it when the dust gets over everything (I scroll inside the house). Plus its nice to have moving air in the garage. Most of the time I duct tape a furnace filter to the back of a box fan. That makes a good air filter and keeps the dust under control.

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Alot of folks rig up dust sucking attachments, that is the best solution, to get it before it gets into the air.

But I don't care for the constant high pitched whine of a shop vac, I'd rather pay the price and get a bit dusty.

This fan will eliminate alot of the dust right off the table, if it sucks out 25% I'd be happy, I'm pretty sure it will do better than that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a shop away from the house...i have contractor shop vacs hooked up to all

the saws except for my scroll saw...i have one beside it and occasionally i vacuum up

the dust around it...in spite of all that there is always an accumulation of fine dust

all over every thing...every month or so i open all the doors and windows and get the

mask and goggles on and fire up the leaf blower....i work with cedar a good bit and

there is a red cloud outside when i do this....it takes about three rounds to get

most of it out..but it shines everything up good...takes about an hour..and about an hour to put everything back on the benches and hung back up on the walls..just

be careful..that leaf blower will blow a 2x4 out the door like a tornado..lol

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I'll see what info I can dig up tomorrow, they are indeed not online.

I walked in and she had 2 of them sitting there, I should have got both of them, as I need one for my CNC router area too.

I might have saved the box to store stuff, I'll have a look tomorrow.

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