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4 hours ago, Rockytime said:

Dang it! This is a most disgusting bunch of posts. Hadn't thought about a laser printer. I have two ink jet printer and now (not my fault) I ended up ordering a laser printer. My wife wasn't much help. When I mentioned it to her she just told me to do whatever I want. Not much I can do about it now.

It is a BrotherDCPL2550DW. B&W with scanner. $159 at Amazon. Hope I like it. There are free returns.

You will wonder why you waited so long.


2 hours ago, Rockytime said:

My son-in-law is Rockie. That is his real name as on his birth certificate. Should get the printer Tuesday. Will keep posted.

I went to school with a guy by the name of Rocky and then I also had a good customer whose name was Rocky. Our neighbors cat is named Rocko. Close.


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