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Hi! My name is William Day. I live in Vicksburg, Mississippi. I am a 34 year old father of eight wonderful kids. They're all beautiful, they took after their mother. I do a lot of scrolling. However, where I live at, that becomes a headache sometime when trying to find tools, parts, and anything locally. It's funny really. Most people you talk to around here doesn't even know what a scrollsaw is.

It's interesting how I got started in scrolling.

I'm disabled. Light woodworking has become sort of a therapy for my depression. In '08, my wife suggested getting me a scrollsaw for my birthday. My response was along the lines of "What the $% do I need a scrollsaw for?" I had never even seen one, much less used one. Anyway, she bought it anyway. It was a Ryobi. It was a good saw to learn on. I say that because if you can cut on a dancing Ryobi, you can cut on anything. So, after it sat in my shop sort of in the way for a while, a man give me the plans to a cottage clock from Wildwood Designs. When I first saw the plans, I thought there was no way I'd ever cut something like that.

Well, I finally decided to try the clock. A new love was born. I have since moved up to a Delta. Well, my Delta is my favorite. There is actually five scrollsaws in my shop now and I aquire every pattern I can get my hands on. All this come from the idea of "What the $% do I need a scrollsaw for?"

Please take the time to check out my blog I have recently started at http://wddsrfinewoodworks.blogspot.com/ . Please don't hesitate to leave comments on there. There is also links on there to contact me and how to buy some of my projects.


hi William i cant help but wonder if where related in some way(i doubt it but you cant help but wonder) cuz my last name is also Day would have any relatives from south east Maine by any chance. well that aside welcome to the village pull up and feel free to discuss what your working on and enjoy your stay




Hi and welcome William. I'm glad you joined us. It's a great site and I think you'll really like it. There's loads to see and do and a bunch of really friendly people. Thanks for introducing yourself...........we love meeting new friends too. You do really great work too.



I'm not sure about the relation of anyone in Maine. My stepdad is from Augusta, Maine. As for the Day's though, my ancestry is from south Louisiana. There are Day's in that bloodline all over the states. We traced a family tree one time and found out that the original spelling was Dey. Somewhere along the way the spelling was changed because everyony wanted to pronounce "Dee". When government sponsored Vietnamese shrimpers come onto south Louisiana in the early 1900s, the family wound up scattering everywhere to find work.


Hi William. Welcome to the Village. I'm going to add your blog to my RSS reader. Thanks for sharing. You really have a knack for clocks, that's for sure. The ones you posted in the gallery are beautiful! So, I guess the big question is, when are you going to tackle the dome clock? :lol: I've always wanted to try my hand at clocks, but I tend to have a short attention span. One of these days, though. I think Wildwood has a Santa's Workshop wall clock that I have my eye on. Anyway, we're glad to have you on board! You'll find lots of friendly folks here.



Here are some of William's clocks. Nicely done! :thumbs:


  • 3 years later...

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