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post-4970-134955579545_thumb.jpgAbout 6 months ago I asked for a pattern request here on SSV. I received patterns from 2 or 3 members, including Eagledrum, Chris Messier, and I believe one from Old Dust, for which I thank all of you. It was a request for a pattern of the type of seaplane that my son flies (a pilot for Harbour Air Seaplanes). Well, I finally got around to cutting it and here is the finished product. I chose the pattern that Chris sent me, as it seemed to be the easiest one to cut. The plaque is 3/4" Basswood, but I didn't want to cut the seaplane that deep, so I routed out 1/2" of the back of the plaque where the airplane is, inserted a black poster board backed with a piece of 1/4" plywood to hold it solidly in place. and I'm quite happy with the way it turned out. The lettering is cut from Cherrywood, and the entire project sprayed with 6 light coats of lacquer. This is going to be a surprise gift for Darren.

Cheers, and thanks for the pattern.



Don, yes, I routed out the back before cutting without a backer and it worked out very well. I believe it was a #3 blade that I used. Had some 'fuzzies' after cutting, but nothing serious that my mini files couldn't take care of.

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