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Hi everyone, hope your'e all keeping well.

My name is Pete and I'm from Nottinghamshire in the UK, I've only been into scroll sawing for the past 3 or 4 week's but boy am I hooked.

I bought myself a second hand RBI Hawk 26 for what I believe now was a bargain price, £150 plus the guy gave me over £300 worth of Olsen blades and a mountain of patterns that he had purchased from somewhere in the US over the year's.

I got interested in scroll sawing while I was browsing youtube video's and came accross Steve Good's site, I watched load's of his video's and thought to myself that I would love to give that a go, I had to sell my home gym to buy the saw due to the fact that I was recently made redundant from my job and I'm very hapy with it I must say.

For the past 2 week's I've been in my shed from 9am sharp until 6.30pm every single day, I guess you would say that I'm addicted lol.

I'm keeping thing's quite simple at the minute, mainly been cutting silhouttes and football team name's and people's names, I have also managed to cut a couple of wildlife scenes though and they came out pretty good.

I know I have a lot to learn but I am enjoying learning very much. I allready have quite a few sale's under my belt and I've had a lot of praise on my work so far.

Hope to catch up with you all later on.

You all take care for now.

Best wishes



Hi Pete, welcome to the Village. Yes scrolling can be an addiction, we all found that out. The more you do the better you get the more you want to scroll, and so it goes.


Marg (an ex Brit)


Just wanted to say thank you for the replies that I've received so far.

I'm looking forward to taking a look around the site very soon and checking out some of the work on here, I've seen a little bit up to now and there is some great work.

It's 7.45am here in the UK and I'm just about to get some breakfast and then I'm off in the shed for the day, got a couple of pattern's to try today and really exited about doing them.

It's early day's though yet and my main problem is finding the best timber to work with and at the right price, been doing a bit with mdf, oak, beech and pine up to now but really need to try and find some birch ply in my area if possible, not cut any as yet but looking forward to it.

Thank's again to everyone, you seem like a real nice bunch of people.



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