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The pictures didnt come out to well but these are the compound santas'mrssantas and a witch i still have to paintthe belt buckles on the santas . I used sawdust and glue to make the hair and fur on the santas.  A friend gave me some expoy resin to try working with. Now i have used it years ago on flat projects could some one tell me the best way to put it on these compound cuts? when there all finished i'll repost new pictures. only 2 of the santas are the compound cut, the rest i made out of the scraps from the compound cut, these will be used as magnets and perhaps as over lays on other projects. some might be put on crafts made from other meduems.... or turned into pins.  I still have some other compound cut pieces to paint and im working on painting a fret work peice to.  and i still have the layered snake to paint and put together. SDC16138.thumb.JPG.26aee563ef8841a7303c89c4a68d76c6.JPGSDC16139.thumb.JPG.c8ae00390ee1d35cadc07a7624e435e7.JPG


thank you lawson56.  I love doing the compound cuts and praticing carving on them.  carving has always been my first love but until the compound cuts i didnt have any patterns and since i cant draw...lol  a do the layered animals a lot to for the same reason....iv found sawdust and glue makes great hair and fur or snow and such depending on what im doing....gives it a more 3 demisaule look.... i hope to get better as i pratice.  and being able to use the scraps for pins and things give me more finished items and less trsh lol 


Go girl,nothing stops your imagination! You live to create beautiful heart warming items of choice!! I'd just bet an orphanage would have the door wide open for your work !!! Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. These have charm to all that see them.Keep yourwork coming!!!


thanks lol still havent figured out the best way to try to do the expoxy reisn but i have the other compound cut s done and the layered snake just has to be glued together and then the polyurthine on it.....will put up pictures when there done.... have to get off the computer now.  will try to look at you guys stuff soon 


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