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  • 2 weeks later...

beautiful to those of us who love animals they are never just pets or partners in work they are family and they are dearly missed when God calls them home.   i made my oldest daughter a fret work of her first dog coco a sharpa and then then the bull dog toothpick holder for her bull dog moose who died just a few months ago.. last week she lost the cat we had had since she was in high school...luna lived to be about 20 years old.  I have a pattern for a fret work of my first service dog Charlie that i have never cut out because the lines are so close together ( i hope i might be able to do it on my cnc machine once im done learning how to use it.... and my beloved Sheba my current service dog (shes 150 i hope to have someone make a pattern of her for me as well but with her med long hair i will have to hope my cnc machine will be able to cut her out as well....i think i'll clip some of her hair to to put with her picture if i ever get one made ad done of her...wish i had thogut to do that with my charlie...you diid a GREAT JOB!!

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