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lol not my favorit subject either.,,,as a matter of fact im terrified of the icky little things lol  thats why the hats... to help make them look less scary lol not that they look all that scaary to me....and the catus is a GREAT idea!  i have a compound cut pattern for a catus too...will just have to inlarge it a little....and with a little rounding you might be able to use it as a ring or bracelet holder....or keys maybe a watch will have to see how big the catus is....if i cant get the compound cut big enough i can try cutting out a flat one and rounding it over huumm. for some reason i always seem to try to make the things i make useful in some way lol ...  im not that great a painter either....but after about 35-40 years of pratice i do a bit better....but i know nothing about shadows and floating and such...my friend has tried to teach me but so far i have no real talent for it lol 


lol now wouldnt that be nice lol i could buy any kind of wood i wanted and as much as i wanted!!! lol  but thanks for the complament...my stuff isnt nearly as good as what iv seen you people do....but i love making cute little things and am hoping to be able to start sellin on ebay again come summer...so things have to be small enough to ship....with the boxes at the post office where you pay one price for the box and everything in the box is just that cost maybe i'll even make a profet for a change instead of loosing money on the shipping or just breaking even..... that would be nice....but the main reason i try to sell some of my stuff is well i have to do SOMETHING with the stuff i make and most everyone i know already has a ton of stuff iv made lol my girl friend gave me a ton of wood she cant take with her up north...and i have no idea what kinds of wood are in that trailer full of wood lol  I have some knomb table and chairs on the kitchen table iv made from the sticks and small branches we have out back and i have a knob sitting in one of the chairs with a little table and lamp on it...i finished today....and some ornaments i made by glueing some small flat things iv made to the wood disks.... im trying to find a place to put the expocy resin on them where dust and tiny feathers from my bird wont get stuck in the resin....i have a little table i can put a couple of things on to put the resin on them and then maybe put a box over top of it while the resin drys just have to find a place to put the table where it will be out of the way . i repainted one of the compund cut santas i made to look more like a knobe and glued him into the chair.....now  all i have to do is find the jump drve wth my compund cuts on it and make a few more to fit in the rest of the chairs lol sigh so many things to work on and so little time!!!  lol and now id best get off the computer before my head relizes what im doing and decides to tell me about  it !! lol but now that im feeling a bit better i want to jump on here for a few minutes a day and see what all of you are doing

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