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I thought the Village had a Facebook page but don't find one. Is there or was there one? Just curious. There are dozens of groups and many people  post the same thing on many of them.  Not real keen on Facebook. If there is a Village group I'd take a look at it.


I gotta step up my FB and Instagram game, for sure.  SSV posts on FB every once in awhile, but I need to do it more.  I know it gets a lot of good attention when I do and folks really enjoy what is posted.  It's not a community like FB groups.  It's more of a page where we post updates and share cool projects from SSV members.  We want the chatter to be here.  ;)



I belong to all the scroll saw groups and some of the woodworking groups over on FB but this is my number one Primary spot. I belong to a motorhome group there and it is a very good group for info and advice on how to fix stuff. Other than that, I hang out here and love every minute of it. I do miss a couple of folks who used to be active but seem to have drifted away. I hope they are still among the living.


13 hours ago, Rockytime said:

I found it. I actually have very little interest in the Face groups. I see the same thing on every group I visit. There really is no site quite like the Village. Much more comradery here than Facebook. Facebook seems much more impersonal. Travis, you do a great job here so many thanks. 

That's my issue with the FB groups.. you have a couple people posting the same project amongst all the groups and if you're also a member of all those same groups your news feed is plastered with the same thing from several different times. I have one that I'll frequent and that's about it. 

There is a couple CNC and one Laser Group with a bunch of friendly folks, and as always there is a couple with folks that make you scared to ask a question because they'll wine about you not searching first.. the search functions of most sites bring up irrelevant results more times than not and have to sort through it for hours to get the info you're looking for. Maybe I just need educated on how to search, LOL I do wish there was a active "good" CNC forum like we have here with the village for scroll work. Travis has done and still does a wonderful job with this site.. and most of the regulars get along.   

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