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There has been discussion on various methods of clamping picture frame corners. Lots of methods but I had not seen this before. I watched a guy on You Tube using spring clamps on the corners. He was selling them. He was squeezing the clamps by hand which I would not be able to do. Anyway the technique appeared to work. I checked Amazon and found these. I think about $36 with free prime shipping. I mitered a couple pieces of scrap to try them. They appear to work quite well. Of course I used particle board and the points dig in somewhat. A little wood filler fixes that.

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Les, a million years ago 😜, I used to work with a master trim carpenter, his job was to install/make the moulding in big homes.  He was self employed and hired out to builders, he didn't want anyone to tell him how and what to do.  Anyway, he used a variation of the spring clamps you are talking about, he called them "BOINGS", because if they weren't seated on the joint correctly, they would spring off and be flying all over the place.  Not a pleasant man to work for, but he was my mom's brother and when uncle Carmine needed help, he got it.

What goes around, comes around.


What I meant here is that if someone comes up with any gadget that is related to catching a fish, woodworking or ??? there will be plenty of people who will step up and open their wallet. Just ask me to show you all my fishing lures. Or any other of many useless gadgets. I'm a sucker and easily sold a bill of goods.  I always heard that the easiest sale is to a salesman. That was me.


2 hours ago, octoolguy said:

It's really interesting how no matter what the situation, whether it's for a hobby or for fishing or for your pet, it's not difficult to part a person from their money. I really don't see $36 there. Someone is getting fat. V


I didn't mind the $36 at all. I've squandered much more over the years. Precision in metal is a lot easier for me than with wood. But of course my woodworking equipment is not nearly the top of the line. When I started making frames I made a sled. It ended up being accurate which surprised me. Then there was the assembly. I have metal corner clamps which are cumbersome and not totally accurate. I have HF strap clamps which I modified and also a strap clamp made specifically for frames. I glue up the corners and by the time I get everything aligned the glue has begun to dry too much. Others use these but they don't work for me. These silly little clamps make everything go together so quickly and hold very well. They leave tiny indents on the corners which do not bother me as they can be filled with wood filler, sawdust and glue or after the frame is painted they are not really noticeable. I don't recommend these for REAL craftsmen but for this old wood butcher they make my life easy.

2 hours ago, Rockytime said:

I didn't mind the $36 at all. I've squandered much more over the years. Precision in metal is a lot easier for me than with wood. But of course my woodworking equipment is not nearly the top of the line. When I started making frames I made a sled. It ended up being accurate which surprised me. Then there was the assembly. I have metal corner clamps which are cumbersome and not totally accurate. I have HF strap clamps which I modified and also a strap clamp made specifically for frames. I glue up the corners and by the time I get everything aligned the glue has begun to dry too much. Others use these but they don't work for me. These silly little clamps make everything go together so quickly and hold very well. They leave tiny indents on the corners which do not bother me as they can be filled with wood filler, sawdust and glue or after the frame is painted they are not really noticeable. I don't recommend these for REAL craftsmen but for this old wood butcher they make my life easy.

Who called me a wood butcher? When I had lawn service I was called the lawn butcher, LOL


Just another example that proves the old adage; "different strokes for different folks".  Most things like this work well for enough people to make them commercially viable.  Otherwise they wouldn't be available in stores, only through this exclusive TV offer, like Flex Seal and The Pocket Fisherman.  😁

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