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7 hours ago, wombatie said:

Tip...Do you find your head is tilted one way or the other???  You will not cut a straight line if it is, take it from me, I know.

Now that's an interesting tip.  One I don't remember seeing before.  I'll check myself next time I cut.


Great Cutting, but....Shhhhh, you never admit to breaking a piece if it can be glued back in 😄.  

Others mentioned cutting Poplar.  Yes it is a good choice as long as the finish project is going to be painted.  The green wood tones in Poplar are not very atractive.  Believe it or not, a nice pice of Red Oak will cut very nicely for parojects like this and will really finish well. 

On 2/6/2021 at 10:46 AM, FrankEV said:

Great Cutting, but....Shhhhh, you never admit to breaking a piece if it can be glued back in 😄.  

Others mentioned cutting Poplar.  Yes it is a good choice as long as the finish project is going to be painted.  The green wood tones in Poplar are not very atractive.  Believe it or not, a nice pice of Red Oak will cut very nicely for parojects like this and will really finish well. 

Thanks Frank,  I'll give the Red Oak a try.

19 hours ago, Denny Knappen said:

Very fine cutting.  One thing with the MGT blades, the reverse teeth on the upstroke can catch and break fragile pieces.  Possibly try the Skip blades.  Maybe more fuzzies, but less breakage.

Always looking for improvement.  Thanks for the tip.  Will put them on my shopping list.

20 hours ago, dragonkort2 said:

... now is popler about the same price as pine?  but stronger when cutting?  and less likely to break


Poplar is probably about 2X the price of pine but there is a number grades of pine from the one with lots of knots to a premium grade clear of knots. Look on the Lowes Website to do a comparison. 

Considered a Hardwood, Poplar is much harder but much less so then say Oak.  The Poplar I get from Lowes is quite stable and not as suceptable to warping, the grain is much tighter and, yes, much less likely to break.  I've cut a"many hole" pattern in 3/4" thick Poplar and never had anything break unless I cut it toooooo close  (my fault not the woods'.).  

Biggest propblem with Poplar is that the grain color is not very pretty and varies from a tan/grey to green in color.  Great if the piece will be painted but not the best for a stained piece. 


Thank you frank, i'll have a look at the lowes website.  I like to make toys for kids and if the poplar is stronger i may see if spike can pick me up some.  iv been going through my patterns and pattern books lately now that im able to get in to the wood shop again... I lost a year due to broken ribs and a punctured lung and then another year to the constent migrines and headaces.... its soo good to be able to do my crafts again!!!  Poor spike I have crafts in progress all over the house!! lol  he dosnt know it yet but the emboriday machine will be comming into the livingroom in a week or so.....iv seen so many things to emborder!! lol just have to find a handy place to put my crochetig when im not working on it in the eveings so i have a place to put the emboridy machine lol there just arent enough hours in a day for me to do every thing i want to do!! lol  I know spike is right id get a lot more things done in a reasonaable amount time if I just picked one craft project to do and do just that until the project is done  and then go on to a different one but that wouldnt be nearly as much fun !! lol


I use popular mostly 3/4 for puzzles It cuts nice and I don't use pine unless I get it for free then I am caareful what patterns I use . No fretwork. I would rather cut walnut.


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