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Had a DeWalt scroll saw long ago. Made lots of jig saw puzzles and a few other things.  Then after I retired moved to a place with a 24’ X 40 shop and 36 acres (my wife wanted horses), filled it with equipment and started making custom furniture.  Then in about 2010 had to have 3 vertebrae fused.  That help for about 7-8 years then problems returned and nothing more can be done.  Sold all the tools and property and now live in a much more reasonable property in Ashland Oregon.  Needed something to do and since the new house has a 8 X 12 shop area in the garage I bought a new scroll saw since that can be done sitting.  (More than5 minutes on my feet and I’m in considerable pain.) Re-learning to use the saw has been reasonably fast so I’m about to embark on a real project - not sure what yet.  Have ben looking through some online designs and may go with one of those.  However, couple weeks ago a large truck (based on tire tracks) did lots of damage by driving in planted area between curb and sidewalk.  The only damage on our property was a destroyed street number sign so maybe I’ll make replacing that the first real project. By the way I’m 81 and hope to  show everyone old dogs can learn new tricks.


Hello Tom and welcome to the village from East Tennessee. Glad you found us. No doubt, you can always teach old dogs new tricks and look forward to hearing and seeing what you do with your new saw. Be sure to checkout the pattern library here as it is chock full of patterns provided by different designers for free. Also, if you are not familiar with Steve Good’s blog, check it out here : https://scrollsawworkshop.blogspot.com he has been providing free patterns for scrollers for a number of years. He also has done many articles and videos to help people learn how to scroll. You can search his blog, or you can find them here in his pattern catalog as well: https://www.stevedgood.com/catalog/index.php

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