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March:  Will it be "In Like A Lion and Out Like A Lamb?"  Or will it be "In Like a Lamb and Out Like A Lion?"

Regardless, this month scroll saw challenge is about big cats.  A popular genre in scroll sawing, so it's time to show them off. 

Or maybe King of the Jungle cats aren't your thing?  Post the King of the House instead with kittens and cat projects.  That's what the internet is for, right?  Cat pictures?  🐱

Can't wait to see what you come up with.  



The first picture (the cat) is the very first thing I ever cut with a scroll saw. I had never done any woodwork using a pattern, I wasn't even sure how the scroll saw, a WEN, operated! I was pleased how it turned out, I could tell what it was and it wasn't all cut up looking like a 3 year old got ahold of it.  So off down the scroll saw art road I went, and I've loved every minute of it...well, maybe not the "designer firewood" pieces LOL. It is standing on the urn of our cat Boo. After 14 years we had to send him across the Rainbow Bridge about a year ago. I made the "Forever In Our Hearts" for him last summer.

The next two pictures are some of the puzzles I sell at craft shows, I'm one of Iggy's Puzzle Zombies. The "CAT" one sells very well. 




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