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Compliment !!??


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Do you remember me putting my 'Pegasus' in the 'Bragging' section earlier this week ?   Well I shared it with another group on Facebook and got asked this....

Have you cut that out yet or is it a stencil.... ???

I'm not sure whether to be flattered or offended. 🙈 🤣

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1 hour ago, Fedido said:


I have had that happen to me recently. I scrolled some words to go behind a desk and when the pilots look at it, they say "cool decal". I then have to explain that it isnt a decal, but cut out of wood. Then I watch thier heads explode. its worth it. 

Pilot joke. Young kid says to his mom "when I grow up, I want to be a pilot" Mom says you'll have to choose. You can't be both! Ha!

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