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Some of you may have seen these posted elsewhere here on the village, but I wanted to put them up here and brag a little. I'm currently working on a board for the Oak and Pine set. It's not coming out as well as I had hoped, but my son says the gaps and stains give it "character". I know a couple ways to improve for future boards, but it will take a while and I already had the materials on hand for this one. post-14485-134955583465_thumb.jpg


Thank you all for your comments and encouragements. :) Compound scrolled pieces used to be one of the greatest mysteries in my life, until I read an article. Now, I've ALMOST lost interest in any other scrolling. (Not quite, but almost.) The next great mystery to tackle, (not yet, but when I'm ready), will be intarsia, or inlay, or marquetry. I haven't decided, yet, but it appears to me that they are all somewhat related.


I just finished the first board a couple days ago.post-14485-13495558375_thumb.jpg I was starting to make the checkerspost-14485-13495558376_thumb.jpg to go with it when my table saw quit on me entirely. Now the rest will have to wait till I can either repair or replace it.


Those chess pieces and the boards are awesome. I made some box handles from

a pattern in a book. I was amazed at how they came out. Thankfully there was

some good instructions with the pattern. Be careful when you start doing inlays.

They are soooo addictive..lol



Thank you a lot. I have a friend, (more like a brother than my own brothers), who would LOVE that clock. He's a big fan of Dodge trucks. Won't have any other make, even though I offered to give him mine. Can't wait to get my new table saw and get back to work.


Thanks for the compliments. I enjoy doing compound cuts and inlays. They are more

intense and sometimes i just make more fodder for the burn barrel. My hat's off to

you on that chess set. I have the pattern but have only made one piece. Your work

is really good.



Thank you Rick. After seeing your work, that comes as a great compliment. I'll keep improving as I keep making them, I'm sure. Looking now at a couple books of patterns for more sets. And of course need to make boards with storage boxes to keep the set together.

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