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No Regrets..


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No regrets in selling my Bass Guitar and buying a scroll saw with the money...Hello to all that I know here, and to the new Folks in the Village..I have been submerged in my own campagn to become an artist who makes a living at this art. My guess is most have, or have had the same aspirations..My disability leaves me no choice, plus I really love this medium of art..

If you recall, { i'll refresh } Got my saw in March..Researched and gained structured wisdom from SSV for 2 months..Made a deal to cut 80 pieces for a high end frame shop. Ended up bieng more like a 130 pieces then and still cutting for the man and his buisness...Landed an account at a great hard wood shop...I now have rented a small studio and am a resident artist at a historical art museum in the down town art district one block from where the frame shop displaying all of my work is..

I feel I have reached my target goals as a scroll and fret work artists. I am no match for the skills of most of you though, so even if I am In the right place at the right time, I do need to expand my knowlege of the " buisness end " of my situation.

I will be heading to the Village University for starters.

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Congratulations Mark and well done for sticking with your aspirations and it has certainly bore fruit for you in the end brava.gif


Im sure your skill with your work is just as good as those on here, the fact you are making business from it is testament to that. Also, you have reached farther in your goals than I have achieved so far, by getting your work out there and showing it to the public and generating sales and more business.

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Hey thank you all for supportive words..Things kinda snow balled on on me, my vision, my goals, and a place to display my finished work all came to play with paitence and extensive reading at SSV. Nobody is buying yet and I have used all of my wood. all I can afford at this point is rough cut cedar fence slats. Am unable to go journey out for free wood sources, palletts, dressers, etc. I will not be discouraged, I know things take time.


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One of many successfull discoverys since I have returned to my saw is, Flying Dutchmen blades. After opening my first order from Mikes, and using them, my skills improved at a very fast rate, and the finished projects are now something to be proud of, and a sellable item with no regrets. Out of 144 blades only broke about 8 or 9. Just recieved my second gross from www.mikesworkshop.com , great service, thanks Mike.

Another SSV education I recieved was getting comfortable while scrolling. I used to stand, and would not take advice to buy a foot switch. Wow, seems like the dark ages now.

SSV's University Showed me how to cut a straight, Victor, nice tutorial, thanks. I use the same application for all of my cutting, not just straight lines now.

Much Respect,


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