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Checking the membership page I discover there over 5500 members. I believe it is almost impossible to cull out the membership. If I pass away I will still be listed as a member as there will be no one to notify the Village. Also there may be many who have left the hobby for many reasons. In spite of this there must be a very large members who never participate or seldom participate. I agree that not everyone has the time I have being retired but I'm amazed at how little participation there has been for quite some time. I also agree that not everyone is a big mouth like me and a few others who shall remain unnamed. Travis works diligently to provide an interesting Village. Have people moved on to Facebook? I see many, many groups there of which I am a member but don't get very active there. The Village is home to me. I'm just perusing. I would like to see a little more participation. OK, I'm finished for now.


I'm curious as to how many have been active, even if just lurking one time, over the past year. That may be a better gage of active members. I'm still a member of IAP (pen turners) but I have only been there once in the past year. There's just not enough time for everything I want to do.


I am glad that I became member. The more I ask questions and share my problems the faster I learn. 

I had my scrollsaw in my garage for >8 years.  5 months ago I signed up in this village and learned about all kinds of techniques.  Intarsia, fret work, bowl making, box making. 

Any shape can be a bowl or a box. 

I am not a facebooker.  

This village is the first site I signed up for.  

I appreciate all the help in the last 5 months.  




I just looked to see how long I have been a member and wow,, 2014.  It certainly has been a great learning experience.  THANK YOU ALL, Especially TRAVIS for this great site.  I belong to others but this is the only one that is part of my regular morning routine.  I also am a member on a number of facebook sites but generally just skip by them.  Those ones I joined more for the patterns than anything else.  I also get Steve's email daily.  This however is where I seem to learn the most from.  I don't always post much as I seem to only have time on the weekends to cut and this year fells like it has been a little more challenging for a number of reasons.

12 minutes ago, barb.j.enders said:

I just looked to see how long I have been a member and wow,, 2014.  It certainly has been a great learning experience.  THANK YOU ALL, Especially TRAVIS for this great site.  I belong to others but this is the only one that is part of my regular morning routine.  I also am a member on a number of facebook sites but generally just skip by them.  Those ones I joined more for the patterns than anything else.  I also get Steve's email daily.  This however is where I seem to learn the most from.  I don't always post much as I seem to only have time on the weekends to cut and this year fells like it has been a little more challenging for a number of reasons.

Thanks for your posts.


I became a member back in 2010 but was never really active until maybe 2015 ish.. Back in those days my go to site was the free4allscrollsawpatterns website but the owner shut it down. 

I think a lot of the members here come for the free pattern library and some sections of the site aren't available unless you sign up.. many might sign up just to lurk at what topics are in those few sections that aren't available unless you sign up / in.. 

I haven't been quite as active on here because of busy business, ( Covid seems to have made people do more online shopping ) trying to learn more about the CNC & laser... and just personal everyday things going on. for instance the Jeep I fixed up and painted 3 years ago for my daughter got hit setting in the parking lot last winter.. was still drivable so she kept driving it until she graduated collage. Now that I have it here at home to do those repairs while looking it over I find it has a blown head gasket as well. So now she's driving my Jeep until I get all these repairs done. Will start pulling the engine apart in the next couple days. 

I'm on most all the FB groups that pertain to scroll work but I don't participate much at all.. A few of those groups are really active.. I just don't like the way those groups work.. I can have some interest in a topic and go back a day later and can't find it.. then if I do comment or post a message I find it annoying to get all the notifications.. Yeah I know I can turn that stuff off etc.. I just find it clunky to use..     


I joined in January 2009, the Village probably was only 2 or 3 days old then and apart from a year off I have been here almost every day.  This is my home and my family outside of my family.  I have met a lot of friends here and lost a few too.  I am a member of 2 or 3 Facebook sites but rarely stop and look properly.  I would be interesting to know how many were only members for a short time and then stopped coming.



I have been here since about 2014. I know I have been somewhat of a pain in the butt at times but I really like it here and enjoy all of you folks. I also belong to most of the scroll saw groups on Facebook but I don't spend much time there. But, I do try to spread the word there about SSV and suggest that they come over here to really get involved in the hobby. I see Rockytime there and also Kevin but I don't see many others from here. Maybe they use different names there. Anyway, to my point, this is my home when it comes to the hobby of scrolling and woodworking. Thanks to Travis for all his hard work and thanks to all of you members for putting up with me. I hope some of the lurkers will make themselves known. It would be great to have some new members to help. I want to give back for all I've received.


11 hours ago, Algae said:

I also see that, as this moment, there are 120 folks online, 14 members and the rest are guests. 

Those guest could be members as well, just not logged in.. You're considered guest until you're logged in. For many folks there is no reason to log in unless you want to comment on a post OR look in those certain post where you have to be a member to see them. For the most part.. I think everything is open to guest other than if they want to open up a photo. Not sure if you can view the bragging section logged out or not. I do know you can't view the photos / patterns in the pattern request section unless you log in.. but you can read the text I think..


I joined Dec. 2010 after the other group I was active in closed down.  some of those members are here also.  I have a routine every morning I check in on all my groups.  This is the first one I check.  I don't always comment, most time I just read and move on.  I have looked at the members list also and there are so many members who have joined and never posted or even done a *like*.  I can only image what a job it would be to delete those people.  Like Rocky I consider this *Home*.   Judy


Well, this thread did make me look to see when I joined this forum.  2011

I'm not a Facebook guy.  A few woodworking forums and subscriptions to 2 or 3 YouTube sites, that's the extent of my "social media" presence.

I enjoy the forums.  I don't participate a whole lot, but usually check in regularly just to see what is going on.  I was a member of the SSW&C forum before I discovered this one and still visit there regularly as well.  Just not as much traffic there anymore.  I used to check in at Steve Good's site, but haven't been over there in a long time.


Time does fly, I just checked as well and I joined in 2015.  I rarely post anymore, not sure why, but I enjoyed this community immensely as I learned and progressed.  I know I learned a lot here, and I hope I returned some of what I learned to others.  I kind of wish JT was back, I enjoyed the contentious spirit between him and Kevin, and I also learned a lot from him too.

Back to lurking I guess


Being a new kid on the block (joined in 2018), this where I come for anything and everything scrolling - for me there is no other place, so you're all stuck with me!

I check in to FB for other reasons, but not scrolling. Usually just to piss off the fake fact checkers there when I post memes and to give others a dose of needed reality!

I do have several business groups on FB but don't really manage them much.

I haven't posted much lately because well, all I do these days is puzzles, wall hangers and similar items - I figure there is nothing new for me to show so I don't.

I do have a post coming up though, regarding my new trailer setup :)

Stay tuned :)


Maybe Travis could automate a method of labeling "inactive" members who haven't logged in, in a year, month, or whatever and add this to their record. That would at least make it easier to know who is active and who is not. Then a list count of "active members" would be easy. A woodworking site that I am also a member of does this, and you loose your ability to "PM" or post "For Sale" items if you haven't logged in for a defined period. Once back and logged in several times over a short period (month), you get all your restrictions opened up again.

I'm not logged in every day, but I do try to get here at least once a week. I get overwhelmed with work occasionally and have no free time at the computer to visit my favorite forums, of which this is one of them. I try hard to be here at least once a week, even during these high workload periods and sometimes I'm not posting, but at least reading other's posts. I really enjoy it here.



42 minutes ago, CharleyL said:

Maybe Travis could automate a method of labeling "inactive" members who haven't logged in, in a year, month, or whatever and add this to their record. That would at least make it easier to know who is active and who is not. Then a list count of "active members" would be easy. A woodworking site that I am also a member of does this, and you loose your ability to "PM" or post "For Sale" items if you haven't logged in for a defined period. Once back and logged in several times over a short period (month), you get all your restrictions opened up again.

I'm not logged in every day, but I do try to get here at least once a week. I get overwhelmed with work occasionally and have no free time at the computer to visit my favorite forums, of which this is one of them. I try hard to be here at least once a week, even during these high workload periods and sometimes I'm not posting, but at least reading other's posts. I really enjoy it here.



Charley, you have been a "fount of knowledge" to me. I want say thank you. 


Been here since 15. Bought my first saw thinking that maybe it might be something to do with my grandsons. They had no interest. I was lucky to find this site right away. Everyone here was great at jump starting me into a new addiction. I couldn't have found a better place and group of guys.  I'm not much of a writer so I don't post very much but I sure do enjoy reading many of your post. 


Pretty sure I am the "new kid on the block."
joined near the start of this year.
And you guys and gals have been wonderful in helping me get started in my scroll sawing.
Beginning with years of posts with your opinions, experiences, and references when it comes to information about wood, equipment, cutting techniques, patterns, and finishing the cut out pieces.
Then when I got my used machine you helped out by confirming I wasn't going crazy and offered up trouble shooting advice.  It was a little like having someone by my side as I opened up the machine and started to find the offending part (it was the connecting rod).
So, Lord willing, I'll be around awhile and hopefully one day be able to offer up something helpful.
Thanks to Travis for making this possible and to all of you for being there! 


Although I'm not as new as Joe...I'm still new to this obsession, I mean hobby. I was curious about scrolling and got a WEN in Aug. of 2019, and was very lucky to find this site right off. I loved making things and asked a ton of questions, thank you everyone for putting up with me. With the help of everyone here I moved up to a King 16" in Oct 2019 and have had a ball every since.

During the city wide garage sale (held every spring) last weekend I put a few of my works on a table and sold a Mick Jagger portrait, 3 puzzles, a tissue box cover, and a couple of wall art pieces! We set up in my shop and had a ton of compliments on things I had on the table as well as a bunch of people took business cards. Luckily we sold most all the regular "garage sale" stuff...and I now have much more room in my shop!

Although I'm in several FB pages this is "home" . The talent and skills of the folks here truly amaze me! I love having scroll "friends" all over the world. Although I am worried about Alex right now being right next to Crimea. He told me he was still safe a couple of weeks ago, but haven't heard from him since.

I know... I'm just rambling on. But I feel like I'm talking with family here. Just hope you guys don't disown me...LOL.

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