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I have never used plyboard before so I tried it on this project. After I finished scrolling and went to rip down some backer board, my head said "use the push stick". Well as I often do, I chose not to listen. As I was flicking the cut off piece away from the blade this happened. Finger VS. Table saw!!!! Table saw 1, finger 0. I knew better but figured "just this once is okay. I have also been waiting for something like this to happen. It's not "if" but when and how bad. Well She said that the specialist will be the one to decide the finger fate on Tuesday. She sewed it up the best she could. The bone is REALLY bad messed up.


Then to top it all off I glued the backer to the wrong side!!!!! LOL, I guess you win some and then you lose some. I did rip a piece of wood when I got home at 3:30 this morning to overcome the "fear".

I believe I might have learned something. At least this project will still end up fairly decent despite fingering it up! 

elk finger.jpg

top finger.jpg

under finger.jpg


Well, what can a person say....I've had a few battles with my table saw also.. One finger that is about 1/16" shorter,,,, that was a real lucky one.  Pictured is my worst... from a kick back... Scraped the tendon on the middle finger... Doc said just a fraction deeper and I would not ever flip someone off with that hand again!... Hope you don't lose part of that finger... and hope you heal quickly... 


hand 2.jpg


Oooch for sure! Glad it wasn’t worse. Hope the finger will mend. This is why I let my hubby do what cuts I need done with the table saw. Every time I think about trying to learn to use it, I see where someone shares an accident photo and think no, I’m good. 🤔 It is the only piece of equipment, of which he/we have in the shop that I am afraid of and why, when he looked at a Sawstop several years ago, I encouraged him to get it. 😏 His profession requires the full use of both hands so I figured it was a good investment. 😉 


I know how it herts. about15 years ago i got into a fight with mt table saw and the saw herts It took off 1/2 my left thumb It never did come out sright they couln't save the thumb so Iguess the table saw waon that one. It sure makes you more carful with a table saw they don't forgive mistakes. hope yours comes out better than mine.



Sorry to hear about your accident. Very unfortunate. I use my table saw a lot. I've had a couple of kick backs but fortunately I've avoided the blade. I hope you heal quickly. Backer on the wrong side is not just your mistake, I've done it.


Hope you get is sorted and it heals ok,on the plus side your project is very good and as others have said we have all done it with the backer board😋,in fact I was doing two projects an elephant for my mum and a sign for my brother and the elephant I did was is a thicker oak frame than the sign and I used my nail gun to put backer boards on both pieces and turned the elephant portrait over and it was great very pleased then went to turn the sign over and I had nailed it to my workbench! 🙄doh! Anyway hope you feel better soon 😀



Small accidents sometimes keep you from having big ones. I got hurt from kickback not using the right push stick. Now when I use the table saw I take time to think “is there a better way to do this “. 


Oh, my. I am so sorry that happened to you. I have found myself getting cockier with my table saw at times lately, and beating myself up for doing so. I think I’ll put my guard back on, both figuratively and literally on after seeing this. Hope you heal cleanly.


Good Lord ,that looks bad but hopefully it will heal ok for you.I did the same not long ago but got lucky,all was ok.

We get careless,for no other reason than trying to rush.I am very careful now with the table saw.If I go to buy plywood,that I know I am going to cut up,I ask them at millwork place to cut it for me.They do it and at no charge.


Sorry about your accident. Like someone already said, I'm glad you shared it because I've been getting too comfortable around mine. Hoping you heal nicely. I've got a mirror image portrait on my wall to prove I've also put the backer on the wrong side. :) 


That looks bad. Always follow the gold rule hands and fingers behind the blade. I had mis hap with a electric drill. I was pressing to hard on the drill and the bit snapped and the piece still in the drill went through my nail and out the other side. Pulled drill bit out and washed finger and taped up with electical tape LOL.

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