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On 5/29/2021 at 2:30 PM, Scrappile said:

Well, what can a person say....I've had a few battles with my table saw also.. One finger that is about 1/16" shorter,,,, that was a real lucky one.  Pictured is my worst... from a kick back... Scraped the tendon on the middle finger... Doc said just a fraction deeper and I would not ever flip someone off with that hand again!... Hope you don't lose part of that finger... and hope you heal quickly... 


hand 2.jpg

I guess I need to come and help you with some home projects. Ouch, Darn that has to hurt



On 5/29/2021 at 2:18 PM, Tbow388 said:

I have never used plyboard before so I tried it on this project. After I finished scrolling and went to rip down some backer board, my head said "use the push stick". Well as I often do, I chose not to listen. As I was flicking the cut off piece away from the blade this happened. Finger VS. Table saw!!!! Table saw 1, finger 0. I knew better but figured "just this once is okay. I have also been waiting for something like this to happen. It's not "if" but when and how bad. Well She said that the specialist will be the one to decide the finger fate on Tuesday. She sewed it up the best she could. The bone is REALLY bad messed up.


Then to top it all off I glued the backer to the wrong side!!!!! LOL, I guess you win some and then you lose some. I did rip a piece of wood when I got home at 3:30 this morning to overcome the "fear".

I believe I might have learned something. At least this project will still end up fairly decent despite fingering it up! 

elk finger.jpg

top finger.jpg

under finger.jpg

I sure hope you heal up quickly. That has to be so painful. I can feel your pain, just looking at the photo.. Be really careful..If only you could take away a moment in time, this would be one of the times you would do so, if you could



27 minutes ago, heppnerguy said:

I guess I need to come and help you with some home projects. Ouch, Darn that has to hurt



That was some time back,,, all healed... still using the table saw... just smarter...


OUCH!!1  reminds of when spike was showing me how to use the table saw and telling what NOT to do as he proceded to DO what he had just TOLD ME  NOT TO! and wound up cutting a big chuck out of his finger....but of course he refused to go get stitches .....i studyed to be a medical assistant but you didnt need that knowlage to know he needed stiches....so i cleaned it up, put alchoal on it ( i was out of hydrgin procide) and put some butterflys on it. macho man that he is he still went to the dollar store and got some hydren proxic  before i had to change the butterflys.   MEN!!1  and no i still havent been able to use the table saw he got me 2 years ago....hes afraid i'll get hurt... im going to tell him tomarrow that IF he dosnt cut some of the baltic burch  ply wood i need for the backers of i think the 6 projects i have waiting for them im going to go out to the shed get the wood and cut it down to size myself!!  iv been using power tools for like 30 years and have so far THANK GOD never gotten more then a knick here and there he darn near cuts his finger off and hes AFRAID IM going to HURT MYSELF?  Now that iv said that dear God please take extera spical care so i dont wind up missing a diget or something.  iv learned over the years that as soon as you say something like that your more likely to get a serious injury.....

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