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13 hours ago, Scrappile said:

Holy cow, Dick, you are pumping them out.... Great job!!

I really envy you and your morning group of friends.... My morning group with my coffee it Ali, Abbey and sometimes Beamer the cat....  They don't drink much coffee...nor do the say much..

I have an idea that I  have been tossing around for my trip to Heppner in July and August. I was wondering if you might enjoy going to Portland and meeting up with Travis? I would love to do that and I think he might  enjoy meeting you. As you  know, I have already met him but would like to touch basis with him once more. Let me know if that is interesting to you and if so, we can start touching basis with Travis and see if  he is up to that idea.



10 hours ago, wombatie said:

That is awesome Dick, anyone would love it even a none bike enthusiast.


I am not sure about that but the ones that have them seem to like them really well. I had a problem trying to find a pattern I liked and thought would work and so far, it has



6 hours ago, munzieb said:

Dick, It's stunning! You outdid yourself this time! When we lived in NC, we had a men's breakfast group. It was called the ROMEO group. Retired Old Men Eating Out. LOL

It is really enjoyable sitting around, drinking coffee and having off the wall comments every day with the guys.  You never  know what will come up on any particular morning. It is good for me because I am walking every morning and getting out of bed at 5:30 every morning. We have never gone our to eat together, as a group, but who knows,  maybe some day. I am homing to get on another of your car pattern soon. I am really looking at that 1934 Ford convertible to do next. We'll if I get that far this coming week



8 hours ago, Tomanydogs said:

That looks great Dick. You’ve done a very nice piece. Well done. 


I am so glad you like it. I sure enjoyed the outcome of this pattern and I have learned some gluing technique on this one that have solved my glue up problems that I have suffered through for years. So that is a big "YEH"    for me.  and they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Now if I can only remember it next time  🤪



6 hours ago, Dave Monk said:

That is a beauty Dick!

Dave, Thank you so much. I have admired your work from the first time I saw  your efforts and watched you as you took on more challenges and new ideas. You are absolutely a true craftsman that has inspired me to try to take  more effort is what and how I do things. I am not a detail or meticulous person so I usually blunder along and try to finish what ever I am making so I can be finished with it and start something new. I am starting to slow down and true to do betting on my cutting and finishing, which is helping a lot. Thanks for your kind comments on this project and all you have done for me



4 hours ago, daveww1 said:

awesome job

Nice comments like yours makes scrolling so enjoyable. People are really great in The Village as they encourage one another, that is what makes it so much fun and enjoyable to be a member of this site.




23 hours ago, preprius said:

If you tell, all of us, the glue up tricks, we can help you remember the tricks. 

That is if you can remember now. 

You know, this idea is probably just a common sense thing and I believe that may be something I am a little short of a lot of the time. In the past I always wondered,"where do I start my glue up on intarsia and how do I keep it from shifting a little at one place or another and leaving the last pieces out of wack enough that I need to tweak them to make them fit in".  That was my dilemma that I found myself in on almost all my projects. They were all fitting perfect when I started but often not when I got to the final pieces. I just received 5 new patterns from JGR and included with it were a few tips about intarsia. She probably has been sending this same helpful sheet with her patterns for  years but I normally do not read any of them. Her suggestion was to lay all your cut pieces on your backer board and make sure they are all tight and in perfect order. Then with all the pieces in place, carefully remove your biggest outside one and glue them on the backer board but not to one another. when you have them back in place against the other pieces on the backer board, let the glued one dry well in place, glued only to the backer board. After you have let the glue dry well and secure, and only then, you can remove the other pieces and start to finish gluing up the remainder ones in the same manner, except you no longer need to wait for the glue to dry during this phase. The advantage is, you have the glued and securely dried pieces in place and you now can glue the additional ones to them and work your way from your initial glued pieces, outward. By only gluing your new pieces to the backer  board you will not have glue oozing out between pieces. I use a sticky glue for this and find as I push my new glued pieces against the previously glued and set ones, I am assured of a tight  accurate assembly. I only need to hold my new ones in place about 20 seconds and the sticky glue will no  longer be slipping out of place. The brand of glue I am using is 'Aleene's Quick dry TACKY GLUE'. I purchased it on Amazon. It only takes a drop or two and so far I have not had any known problems with it.

    I hope that helps you, it sure has me.



8 hours ago, Scrolling Steve said:

That will be well received !....Splendid work all around !

It was indeed. The person that ordered it from me was happy with it and that is all I am concerned about when I deliver a finished project to the one that ordered it.  If that  person is not  happy with it, I do not want them to pay me for it.  If I saw something in a store for sale and it did not appeal to me, I would not buy it. I want a customer to do the same with me.


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