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This look pretty darn nice.

The part that you cheated on is having over abundance of quality supplies. 😁

I do like spirals. But I still practice with straight blades for intasia small gap in pieces.  

When I use spirals, I find that the blade kinda jumps to the side when finding softer areas of wood. 




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14 hours ago, Tbow388 said:

I have a over abundance of this 7 layer cabinet grade plywood. I decided to try it out with this Steve Good Country Church Pattern.

This is the first project that I only used spiral blades and somehow it was so easy I feel like I cheated.

I am going to clear coat, back in black and make a frame out of some super old cedar that I have laying around.


once one let's themself learn spirals they can be so useful, especially on small fret work and large patterns. Nicely done project. Keep up the good work



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