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Art Nouveau Box

I’ve always been intrigued with Art Nouveau. The style ran from the 1880’s to the beginning of the 1st WW. It was a counter point to the staid Victorian era. It became the standard of the Belle Epoch both in Europe and the US and encompassed all art forms. Artists like Toulouse-Lautrec for his poster work and Mucha and Klimpt for the evocative paintings. It was also incorporated in architecture like the entrance to the Paris Metro and the cathedral in Barcelona Spain. American, Louis Comfort Tiffany designed and manufactured furniture, jewelry, lamps and stain glass. The art form was known for flourishing curves know as whiplash and a flatten 2-dimensional style that accentuated plants and flowers. It was superseded by Art Deco after WWI. I have not seen too many scroll saw patterns of this style.

I had this pattern for a while and I had enough ¼” Bubinga to make it happen. Cutting was pretty easy once I figured out which blade to use. I started out with a #2 Skip but things seemed to drag along and went to a #5 Skip. I was a little concerned with the mortised side panels in the base but a little filing made it all fit well. I used shellac as a base and then gloss lacquer. Hinges are fairly easy. I always trim out the hinge recess in the back base (1/8”) on the scroll saw before gluing the sides together. 2-sided tape is my go-to for mounting the hinges. I’ll hold down the hinges with the tape in the recess and I have a centering hinge drill bit to mark the holes and come back with a small bit for the screw holes. I’ll pre-tap them with a waxed screw which makes for easier assembly later. Once that is set, I’ll put tape on the top of the hinge and position on the inside of the top and use an exacto knife to press them down on the top and mark and drill for the screws. The hinge sets usually come with ¼” screws and I’ll ground them down to size so they don’t go through the top since the material is ¼”.  On to the next project.





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