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22 hours ago, lawson56 said:

WOW!!! Now that is a Beautiful Auto. In this pic I can see any mistakes. You did an Awesome job!!👍👍👍, Glad you didn't give up. I have broken quite a few in my yrs of scrolling, some I could fis, some not.🥴

I know exactly what you mean. I to have had a lot of errors in my years of scrolling. I loved to see how fast I could knock out a piece and this contributed to my breakouts and errors. Now I have slowed down and i am trying to improve my work in my old age but I still have me problems. The good thing is I am still learning from my mistakes and I think I will continue to improve if I keep the speed down and the attention up. Thanks for all your nice comments. I do appreciate them a lot




That is awesome Dick.  Only you know where it broke because I honestly can't tell.  I know how you feel about thinking of quitting, it happened to me last year but I soon said no I am not a quitter and tried again, glad I did.


On 6/9/2021 at 3:35 PM, Scrappile said:

I think you did great..... I only hope I can do nearly as well...

You would make me have to blush if my work was ever set next to your master pieces. The fact that I was able to even finish this project is my only credit ..



On 6/9/2021 at 5:13 PM, Tomanydogs said:

You did a marvellous cutting, a really nice piece. Well done. 

I had to really be determined to even finish it. I do the best I can and I found this one to end up being another learning piece. I know I should be able to do a better job on it, if and when I can get around to cutting it again. I have so many patterns that I want to  cut. Thank you so  much for your nice words of encouragement. I am so grateful for  you to take your time to send me those.



On 6/9/2021 at 6:03 PM, Rockytime said:

Nice job! The grill looks scary.

I found it to be a 'hold my breath and pray' situation. I was using a spiral blade on it and next time I would not.  It definitely was a good practice for the spirals but not what I would choose for cutting this a second time. I am just happy that I did not give up on it. thanks for the nice comment on it



On 6/10/2021 at 2:25 AM, munzieb said:

You definitely kicked it up a notch, heck, several! It came out fantastic and you nailed the grill!

At least I finished it this time. I would do the grill differently the next time and I learned a lot when I cut it. I would not use the spiral blade on this kind of a pattern again but I do not want to loose my ability to use them as they are so handy on a lot of fret work but not so much on the straight line pieces like this. I hope to do one of your car patterns soon and see how much better I can do with one of them. Thanks for the  nice encouragement and all the help and suggestions you have given me in the past.  They will really help when me a lot in the future.



13 hours ago, ben2008 said:

Really very nice and good job with the frame. Fits very nicely.

 I have a ways to go on making the frames but even with my efforts and mistakes, I believe they help with the presentation and step up the looks of the finished piece some. I love trying to make and add them to my work. I may get this part down better if I keep trying to master them. Thank you for your nice comments on both the car and the frame. It feels good, even if it is a little bit of a stretch.\



11 hours ago, CSull said:

Really sweet.  Looks like a lot of detailed cutting!

Thank you for taking your time to make a nice comment on my project. I try to do my work as well as my ability, or lack of, will allow. I am always learning things with almost each piece I make, even though I have been at it for several years. I think my old age is fighting me a lot more now then it used to.



10 hours ago, wombatie said:

That is awesome Dick.  Only you know where it broke because I honestly can't tell.  I know how you feel about thinking of quitting, it happened to me last year but I soon said no I am not a quitter and tried again, glad I did.


Maybe it happens to a lot of us as we push the envelop to try something more advanced then we have done before. When we do not push ourselves we can never achieve the success with pieces that we used to look at with envy that we see other scrollers doing. The important thing is not to just too quickly from one ability into the other or we do end up being discouraged. And as we (not meaning you, of course) get older, our bodies do not allow us to spend too much time in the shop without it complaining with aches, pains and not letting us sit too long on the projects that  take days of straining our eyes to finish. I too am very happy that I was able to finish this project and even though I was not able to achieve the high mark I was hoping to be able to give myself for this one, I still ended up feeling good about myself for not letting the breakout to discourage me. I am now ready for the next challenge.



On 6/15/2021 at 4:41 PM, Norm Fengstad said:

You did a good job, any mistakes are only noticed by you

Thanks for looking the other way😁.  I did the best I could on it. Thank you for the nice comment too



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