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SSV Crashed


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Howdy all.  Looks like SSV crashed.  Thanks to @meflick for letting me know.  If SSV is down and you can't access it, feel free to email me at travis[at]scrollsawvillage.com to let me know.  I only pop in a couple times a day to check on things.  This week, I'm on holiday, so I'm a little less frequent.  Otherwise, I won't notice until I try to log in again.  An email will allow me to get thing fixed right away.

Thanks all!


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Thanks for getting it fixed so fast after my email Travis. I tried a couple times earlier in the day and waited a bit “just in case” it might resolve before I attempted to check with you to see if it was in fact down or if it was maybe just a problem on my end. Glad it’s resolved. Was missing my village friends.

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