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9 minutes ago, FrankEV said:

Wonderful plaque.  He will be blown away...gauarenteed.

Nice clean cutting of the font.

That was book matched maple.. I buy 5/4 resaw it and bookmatch it..  that stuff stayed perfectly flat.  not a single cup or twist to that maple.  was soo nice not having wood bounce up and down from a cup when cutting.


21 hours ago, WolfmoonCT said:

So I have a co-worker who loves to hunt, fish..   all of it.  He's walked a property I have access to hunt earlier in the spring to help me since I've never really hunted before.  He's gonna retire next year, and we are all still working from home. So I cut this for him without him knowing, and I am going to just hang it in his cube before we have to go back, so when he gets in, it's just there, and I see how long it takes him to notice it.

It's about 1/4 - 5/16" hard maple, with a ply backer...  Cut with Olson #2/0R blades

Another Sheila Landry design.

bob fishing sign.jpg

   A project well done and with great intentions for it. i love to give my work to others and watch to see  how they react to it. Very nice of you,,,and I do not think it will take him very long to notice it.😮



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