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Very nice job not the bowl DW.


Do you mind sharing your homemade beeswax recipe?


Not at all ... it is not mine but I found it on the net.


1 Pint of mineral oil - gotten at the grocery store

just over 1/2 a cup of packed shaved beeswax ( this amount can vary - the more you add the thicker the paste )

a container with lid.. I got one from the grocery store one of the cheep tupperware knockoffs.


Heat the oil to about 150 .. don't go much over that or you could have a flash oil fire when the oil starts to vaporize.

Slowly add the beeswax to the hot oil it will dissolve quickly

when it is all melted and mixed into the oil pour it into your container

let it cool - you can put it in the refrigerator.

Since beeswax and Mineral oil will not go rancid on you it will last you a long time.





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