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I have some 1/4" Maple that I want to use but the darn stuff has a slight cup to it. It's 6" wide. Any thoughts on how I can flatten it out? My first thought is to soak it for about a week then put weights on it while it dries. I am hoping theres a better way?


Thanks...................Chris :popcorn:


Actually Chris straightening out a cup is problematic at best. The problem lies in the fact that the wood is picking up moisture and slightly re-hydrating on one side forming the cup. You might be able to do what you described and get it to work out ok but then again probably not. Most professional furniture and cabinet makers will plane the cup flat. The thinner the wood the more prone to cupping it is but even in 4/4 wood you get cupping. I have seen it even in 2x4s and 2x6s. I would try it your way but be patient for the wood to dry.... like a couple of months.




i have found sometime if you wait check the wood a later date the cup may come out. Its the nature of wood to pull water in too it self time can be your friend here.Just remember a board still thinks it a tree for years .

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