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4 hours ago, scrollerpete said:

These turned out very good. There is nothing wrong with the segmentation piece, we are always our worst critic.

I am usually the first to say, "we are always our worst critic". There are some major gaps in the piece that the photo doesnt show!


9 hours ago, preprius said:

Segmentation experiment is a succuss.  Looks pretty decent.

Better than my first butterfly Intarsia piece.

What did you learned from it?


I learned that even if I cut the backer at the same time, I couldn't get the "frame" to match properly. If I cut it again, I would put the center pieces (unglued) in while the glue is setting for the frame. I learned that I really hate sanding!!! I learned that I am very unsure about how to shape items.  Don't think that intarsia is in my future any time soon unless I take some lessons.

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