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12 hours ago, munzieb said:

Impressive work on the Schwibbogen. I have question on the lights. I had built a few a couple of years ago using 20 each 3w grain-of-wheat bulbs and used 2 "D" batteries to drive them. I soldered them to run parallel and hot glued in place. It would run through batteries.  I can't get them to work anymore. Maybe some of the solders or leads are broken. I want to revisit the lighting and would be interested to know which bulbs you used. I thought about using 5v (like phone chargers)  but would have to find the correct bulbs. Are yours AC lights?

As best as I can remember, I bought these lights at Walmart last year when they had them on sale for like 5 bucks.  They are 12 ft I'm not sure how many lights are in the strand.  They use 3 AA batteries.  What I do normally, since they are cheap lights, I just sort a twist them in place and don't secure them because I figure whomever may want a different color or if they do break, they can change them out.  I have never had any luck using hot glue.  I hear it does good but I can't ever seem to make it hold.

On 10/8/2021 at 3:49 PM, Jronn65 said:

After I made the last Christmas stuff I posted a week or so ago, Sue Mey actually sent me a message and asked me to cut this and take pictures for her to put in her website.  After the swelling in my head decreased, this is what I made.  I am very humbled for her even ask me.  The pattern is much better than my cutting for sure.  The arches are made from Baltic birch and I put linseed oil on them.  The base is a very old piece of plywood that's older than I am, with just some polyurethane on it.   



First of  all,,,,beautiful work. I looks so cool all lit up. Second... being asked by Sue Mey to cut one of her patterns for her, is outstanding indeed, and what an honor. It would be the same if JGR asked someone to cut and finish on of her intarsia patterns for her. When the best are asking you to do something for them, how can not perk your ego a lot. Wow that is impressive.



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