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Hello all,


I was reading a old scroll saw wood working and craft magazine (fall 2009) with giraffe puzzle on cover. I was reading the article on page 8 about the new law coming in to effect. About if you make toys you have to pay a 3rd party to test them for lead. In magazine it said coming in 2010 but I looked at the website and it looks like they are taking comments from the public next month. So please get the word out. Thanks. Here is website.


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This is the one reason I haven't decided to sell toys. I really enjoy making them, but handcrafted toys might become obsolete. Keep an eye on http://www.handmadetoyalliance.org/ This is the group that is lobbying to keep the CPSIA from shutting down small-run toymakers and cottage industries. They have a Facebook page that I like to watch that has updates. I know some things were passed recently, but I don't know the details. I think the law goes in full effect in October (but I could be wrong).


Another place to get your questions answered is on Etsy. Lots of people make their living by making stuff for children. So, naturally, its a big concern.

http://www.etsy.com/teams/7722/business ... ype=titles


A real quick answer is this. If you plan to market to children under 12 you might have to test for lead other than that no problem. There are several efforts underway to exempt small mom and pop toy makers here in the states because if you finish your item with finishes and paints that have been made here in the USA then there is no chance of lead being in the finish. Our finishes here are rigorously and constantly tested for lead and other harmful substances. Simple solution - Market to the Adults what they do after they buy is up to them you are no responsible what hey do with it after they buy it IF you market it to them as an adult decoration and not as child's toy.





DW, my thoughts exactly. It's another effort of big government trying to take control of our lives. We do need to voice our opinion and stop this madness. Any toy or puzzle I make, no matter how simple, is only for sale to adults. If a child comes by and wants to buy something, I just ask them to have their parents make the purchase.



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