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Hi, my name is Sam and I am new to Scroll Saw Village. I have been scroll sawing for about 14 years. At first it was just something to do to pass time and to make things for friends and family. After some time and getting better with the saw, people began to ask me to make things for them. So after a few years my wife and I began to participate in a couple local craft shows each year. I don't want my hobby to become a job, however it is nice to make a little money to pay for supplies. My favorite things to make is framed fretwork pictures of wildlife and I also enjoy making puzzles for the kids. I recently started making bowls and baskets which has been a lot of fun.


From a family standpoint I have two duaghters and a son. One graduated high school last spring and one is starting kindergarten this fall.....what was I thinking. Anyway we enjoy camping, outdoor activities and attending sporting events. My youngest daughter plays soccer and my son who is 5 plays hockey so we stay pretty busy. I look forward to learning new things from fellow Scroll Saw Villagers and perhaps I might be able to share the one or two things I know.


Hi Sam. Welcome to the Village. We're glad you found us. It sure is nice to sell a few things to keep yourself in saw blades and buy an occasional tool. Plus, people want your stuff, so that's reaffirming. ;) Anyway, welcome aboard. Mump in and have some fun! :cool:

  • 1 year later...

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