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Great work, Frank. But I've learned to expect nothing less from you. These horse portraits would go over big in my rural, horse-country area. The only problem with the horse-country area I live in is they are poor horsemen. (I should say "broke" horsemen because they treat their horses better than their selves, not that they treat their horses badly.)



Your choice and creation of art shows super crisp lines and smoothe and eligant curves.  

The "Horse palls" show how you did an invert to capture different horse colors.  Brilliantly done.  The jaw line of the horse on left shows nice curved lines.   

The plants add that feel of a wall of flowers without "grass" blades that tend to add more detail that is needed.  Elegant plant leaves gave me a feel of flowers that are not blooming.

Now the left horse's neck just stops.  I kinda feel that a couple of elegant curves can be added to show the horse has a body.  The curves could go all the way to the frame.   It will change the composition and framing of the content.   But for me I would likevto complete the camera frame.


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