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18 hours ago, Joe W. said:

Just when I think I've seen it all.

Very creative and original.

Thank Joe.   This village has taught me well.   I am getting more comfortable doing bowls now.  Also you guys taught me inlay techniques.   Pretty good tips got me this far in 1 year.


7 minutes ago, trackman said:

Never heard of using baking soda with the sawdust. I just use yellow glue an mix in sawdust. 

Baking soda and CA glue set up really fast.  See youtube link below.   I read somewhere that if you do 50/50 mix with sawdust you gain working time.



23 hours ago, preprius said:

Baking soda and CA glue set up really fast.  See youtube link below. 

OMG!  That brings back memories of when I flew a Powered Paraglider and had to repair the carbon fiber propellor tips (after they contacted the frame housing while spinning).  It works great for filling in small cracks.  And if you need to fill a larger area, use micro glass beads for filler.  But beware - the micro glass beads are like talc powder, so wear a mask. 

Thanks for the memory. 


Final note...

So with other messages and my observations here is some lessons learned...

1) Use good quality wood.  Try not to use glue ups.  

2) if you use glue ups then make sure the bottom and top is planed flat. Recycled wood takes effort.

3) reduce glue squeeze between slices.   Lots of youtube videos that show  technques.  I will try painters tape next project.  And less glue.

4)  Any shape can be a bowl. But sharp corners take extra effort for sanding. 

5)  I think I will try sanding 2 or 3 rings glued together instead of all rings at 1 time. 

6) wall thickness does not have to be minimum. 

7) And do not combine project topics into a single post.   Bowls and bottle stoppers should be separated with different posts.

8 .  always request critique. I hope this will increase the feedback so I can learn faster. 

9) pick a slow day to post so it show up on "all activity" longer. A technique for more feedback ?

Thanks @octoolguy for the messages and critique.



Mark Eason

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