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Has anybody got one of these? I've tried every name under the sun but still can't find one.


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I have been watching a ton of videos done by a Japanes craftsman and he has a lot of U.S. made tools even though he is in Japan. He pulled this little square out the other day and used it for marking drill holes in a 2 x 4 and I decided that I need one. I've tried every description and name I can think of and even gone on a couple of the Chinese supply sites but still nothing. I'm hoping someone here has one or at least knows what I'm talking about.


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Amazon has them in the USA, but it will cost more than Ebay. 


I used to get things like this from  Japanwoodworker.com, but they are now closed. I believe that Woodcraft is in the process of buying them. Not sure how well this is going.


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9 minutes ago, OCtoolguy said:

I make a lot of things using just 2 x 4's and to have this it would speed up marking and measuring. I thought it looked handy for what I do. I might just fab one out of some tin stock or something but for $12, it might just be easier to buy it. 


I think $12 isn't too bad really... the issue is the shipping cost for the one on eBay anyway.. At  least for me I think it said shipping was $19.. but maybe I mis-read it.. For me the Amazon one is cheaper which is unusual as normally eBay is cheaper than Amazon.. I don't have prime but it does say free shipping for orders over $25 so find something else you need, LOL

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I have one, but it was a gift from a friend who is a cabinet maker. He thought it would be good for making repetitive marks as he worked but then refused to convert his measurements to metric, so he uses a square which has holes in it at various points. Marked in inches is a big plus he says. LOL.

. It is unique and it was a gift, so it hangs out in a drawer in one of my roll-a-rounds, which is full of all sorts of other cool but seldom if ever used items.

I also have one of these and use it all the time. INCRA Precision T-Rules | Rockler Woodworking and Hardware

Edited by Jim Blume
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I'm sure if you keep searching the title from these listings you'll find something cheaper.. I found this by doing so.. different brand I think and maybe different but maybe you can work with it for the price? https://www.walmart.com/ip/Fiskars-4-1-2-Square-Acrylic-Ruler-4-5-by-4-5-Inch-1-Each/19216413

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7 hours ago, kmmcrafts said:

I'm sure if you keep searching the title from these listings you'll find something cheaper.. I found this by doing so.. different brand I think and maybe different but maybe you can work with it for the price? https://www.walmart.com/ip/Fiskars-4-1-2-Square-Acrylic-Ruler-4-5-by-4-5-Inch-1-Each/19216413

No, it has to have that fold so it wraps around the 2x. And the hole patterns for quick marking drill holes. I won't be buying the one on ebay for sure and probably won't buy the one on Amazon either. Worst case, I make my own. It just looked like something handy. The Incra looks neat too but those tiny holes so close together make my eyes hurt. Oh well, it was just a thought. At my age I should stop buying stuff I don't need. I lost another friend last week who I knew since 3rd grade. The reaper is getting too close. 

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I have one of these when I need to carry a line over a corner  https://www.amazon.com/Shinwa-Japanese-Aluminum-Saddle-Layout/dp/B00GVBMCLC/ref=asc_df_B00GVBMCLC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309755258559&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15407268023728738464&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004484&hvtargid=pla-597912618684&psc=1

The rest of the time I use a precision 12" combination square (Starrett) or a mini 4" version from I gaging but am not impressed with their quality. These squares give a much broader usage than a saddle square.  I inherited the 12 combination set from my father, I did not realize that the complete Starrett set is $200 




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Ok, I think I have found the best way to go. It's a Simpson construction bracket and it will do just what I want with a few more holes drilled in it and some scribe marks. It'll last a lifetime, especially mine.


EDIT: After reading further it seems that this bracket is 6 x 6 so it won't work. Dang!!! But it might work if I cut it down to what I want. Maybe? Time will tell.




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