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Scroll saw blades and machine


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1 hour ago, TAIrving said:

I found a listing and picture of it Toni Scroll Saw Variable Speed – Africa Tool Distributors.  

It might be a rebranding of a machine the others of us know of by another name but i do not recognize it.  Does it look familiar to anyone?  

Kinda looks like a Wen.

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The description states that it is a Sheppach sroll saw. I have an Aldi scroll saw (for quite a few years now) and the plate on it says "Sheppach" and I know of various "brands" of saw that all use the same "Sheppach" generic build. I paid around £50 for my machine and that was a few years ago but I reckon you get get one for around £60 brand new from Aldi or Lidl. Sorry I can't help with monetary conversion but these are cheap machines.

take care and stay safe

Don W

EDIT If you right click on the image you have there and choose "Open in New Tab" and then Right click on that image again and choose "Search Image with Google Lens" it will bring up pictures of similar/same machines. Hope this helps.

BTW I use mostly Olson blades and think they are very good.

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The saw looks very much like a re branded generic type. It reminds me of the makita, Wen etc.
there is nothing wrong with Olson Blades.
The Wooden Teddybear sells Flying Dutchman and Olson blades and I find them very reasonable,(compared to Australian prices) and their postage is cheap and very quick.



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Even if the Rand is at 21 to the GBP my saw was only R1050 and even today that would be about the correct price for a Lidl or Aldi saw. I think at the bottom end " you pays your money and you takes your chance". Import duty etc. is another bone of contention that we have to live with.

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