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Where do you get free to use images for either pattern making or maybe even making jigsaw puzzles.. I know there used to be some sites years ago that had copywrite free images to use for whatever you wanted.. I should have bookmarked some of these sites years ago but at that time I had no interest.. now I'd like to try some photo jigsaw type puzzles and even expand on my pattern designing skills or lack thereof, LOL

SO.. where can I get said images.. If I make stuff like jigsaw puzzles from the photos am I allowed to put the puzzles on etsy for selling or are they images to use for personal use and I need to become a photographer if I want to make my own puzzles to sell? 

Thank you for any input on the discussion. 


I'm not sure what type of images you are looking for, but in the past I would collect calendars that have nice pictures, mostly landscape, and use them for puzzles. Even Christmas cards were good sellers as puzzles. I remember from a puzzle site years ago that Carter Johnson was a member of and most members used these types of sources for puzzles.


Probably old news but you can search through Pinterest to find photos and if you word your search right it can be to find only copyright free images. Steve Good also posted in his blog a good while back about a site called something like Vectzez (sp) for free images and pattern pieces. You also search for free vector images which work well too.

22 minutes ago, kmmcrafts said:

Yeah, I had forgotten about the calendar images etc. I thought there was a discussion about those images being copywrite too though?  

From what I remembered, if you purchased the images (calendar or cards) you can use them as you please. You market them as your photos but you can make puzzles and sell them. I'm no lawyer, but just passing on what I read. Others can chime in.

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Dan said:

From what I remembered, if you purchased the images (calendar or cards) you can use them as you please. 

Kevin, my understanding is that if you buy the picture (e.g. calendar) you can use the picture for anything you want. If you want to make a puzzle out of it to sell that’s your prerogative.  The only thing you can’t do is make copies of it and then sell the copies. 

One word of advice. If you use calendar pictures, make sure the paper they’re printed on is heavy enough. If it’s too thin you will see whatever is on the reverse side bleed through when you glue it down.

Edited by Millwab
25 minutes ago, jollyred said:

A lot of photos can be found on wikicommons in wikipedia.  These are all public domain.


That's the one I was trying to think of the other day.. I remember reading a similar topic some years ago and couldn't remember and couldn't find the topic either.. probably was way back before I found the scrollsawvillage.. Thanks

14 hours ago, kmmcrafts said:

Yeah, I had forgotten about the calendar images etc. I thought there was a discussion about those images being copywrite too though?  

I don't know about the US, but here, once you purchase something it is yours to with as you wish. The only caveat is you can not make copies for distribution. The one you purchased you can burn, cut  it up, sell it at 100 times what you paid for it or even make puzzles.
I use calendars for most of my picture puzzles as they are usually printed on good quality paper and if you get them after the year they are intended for they are almost given away. I have also used some plates from nursery rhyme books etc.



I've been close to the art publishing business world for close to 30 yrs. The state we're in is chaos. There is no rhyme or reason to any of it and no consistent rules. One business I worked for ended up shutting down over copyright issues (the business would buy books, "the art of xxxx" then cut the art out, use clever matting to enhance the art, and then sell a finished product. The publisher of the books send numerous letters insisting that the business stop. They finally did stop and the drop in sales killed the business) About two years ago one of my coworkers (also a photographer) was working on some new images of his to add to the businesses lineup. While researching his photo's he came across a copyrights notice from the park where he took the photos, no commercial use of images taken in the park. So he shut down the project. Be aware the phases are copyrighted or trademarked as well, so be careful with your word art pieces.


Some copyright free sources:



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