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3 hours ago, barb.j.enders said:

Looks great.  I also turn to Alex Fox for a layered pattern.  My daughter bought me a couple for Christmas a few years back.  One was a dragon fly.

a great gift. Did you make the dragon fly project?



On 3/17/2022 at 4:31 PM, barb.j.enders said:

I did.  I stack cut three from 1/8 bb ply.  When I posted it on my Facebook page, my cousin ended up buying all three.  Haven't gotten around to making any more.


 That would have been the dragon fly plaque I would have wanted. I did not see it on Alex Fox's page and had to settle for the one I cut. Not happy about that but that is the way life is sometimes I guess. I like the framed one way better.



On 3/18/2022 at 8:29 PM, heppnerguy said:

 That would have been the dragon fly plaque I would have wanted. I did not see it on Alex Fox's page and had to settle for the one I cut. Not happy about that but that is the way life is sometimes I guess. I like the framed one way better.



if you want to do another one, here is the link to that pattern.  https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/658244810/c46-dragonfly-scroll-saw-pattern-pdf-dxf?click_key=2359640e99b94cff18d12e93445efeff8d906606%3A658244810&click_sum=414c93f7&ref=shop_home_active_108&sts=1


1 hour ago, barb.j.enders said:

Thank you Barb. I did go back on his site and found it, I guess I gave up too quickly when I was looking for it. My wife said she likes the one I made best of the two, so I hope the buyer does also. I sure appreciate you taking the time to send me the link. Very nice of you.



On 3/23/2022 at 8:30 AM, alexfox said:

Came out great! By the way threre is search panel at my Etsy store, here is example of search result "butterfly"


 |Thanks Alex. a good tip. By the way, I am praying for you and all the people in Ukraine. What a horrible thing to go through. Your countrymen are truly a brave sole. I sure will be glad when this mess is over. I sure hope you can retain your independence from the Russian dictatorship. What a terrible person Putin is.



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