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I am glad to hear that your are still safe.  It is a crying shame what is being done to your country.  I pray that something is done very soon to stop this atrocious war that only one man wanted.  Stay safe my friend, we are praying for you and your country men.  😢



Alex, Hello from Kansas City, Missouri, USA. I'm happy to support you in this difficult time. I just wanted you to know that I ordered a set of your 15 Bowl Patterns, but the order was made in the name "Suzanne" from The Farmer's House. I do some Etsy selling for them and when I made my order, it credited them with the purchase. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I support you, and I am a big fan of your pattern-making skill.

Kris Martinson

  • 1 year later...
On 3/23/2022 at 8:10 PM, alexfox said:

Привет всем, во-первых, я хочу сказать, что я в безопасности в моем городе Херсон, в данный момент город занят русскими, В городе много российских военных ( патрули, контрольно-пропускные пункты ). Мы стараемся не выходить из дома, если в этом нет необходимости. В городе уже не хватает лекарств, в магазинах практически нет товаров, потому что нет товаров - россияне никого не пускают в Херсон, даже гуманитарная помощь. В Херсонском районе есть много ферм, и после того, как россияне разрешили въезд в город из соседних деревень ( с полным поиском автомобилей и проверкой документов ), многие фермеры приносили мясо и овощи в город, но цены очень высоки, и есть длинные очереди.
Мирные митинги проводятся в центре города почти каждый день. Сначала русские проигнорировали это, несколько дней назад они начали стрелять в воздух, чтобы разогнать митинг, а вчера они использовали дымовые гранаты, люди были ранены от фрагментов гранат. Вот что происходит в Херсоне.

И теперь хорошие новости - я сожда новый сайт "Scroll Saw Gallery" ( мой магазет Эцы тоже работает ), фотографи от моих клиентов. Буду признателен, эсли ви отправите свой фотографи на мой электронуную почту - alexscrollsaw@gmail.com 

Вот ссылка -  Галеря прокрутки

scroll saw gallery.jpg

Это ложь..

Posted (edited)

I took the liberty to have it translated via the computer, hope it is correct;

Hello everyone, firstly I want to say that I am safe in my city Kherson, at the moment the city is occupied by Russians, There are many Russian military in the city (patrols, checkpoints). We try not to leave the house unless necessary. There is already a shortage of medicines in the city, there are practically no goods in stores, because there are no goods - the Russians are not allowing anyone into Kherson, not even humanitarian aid. There are many farms in the Kherson region, and after the Russians allowed entry into the city from neighboring villages (with full car searches and document checks), many farmers brought meat and vegetables into the city, but the prices are very high and there are long queues. Peaceful rallies are held in the city center almost every day. At first the Russians ignored it, a few days ago they started shooting in the air to disperse the rally, and yesterday they used smoke grenades, people were injured from grenade fragments. This is what is happening in Kherson. And now the good news - I'm creating a new website "Scroll Saw Gallery" (my Etsy store is also open), photos from my clients. I would be grateful if you could send your photo to my email - alexscrollsaw@gmail.com Here is the link - Scroll Gallery


Edited by Scrappile
Posted (edited)
On 10/21/2023 at 7:10 PM, Scrappile said:

I took the liberty to have it translated via the computer, hope it is correct;

Hello everyone, firstly I want to say that I am safe in my city Kherson, at the moment the city is occupied by Russians, There are many Russian military in the city (patrols, checkpoints). We try not to leave the house unless necessary. There is already a shortage of medicines in the city, there are practically no goods in stores, because there are no goods - the Russians are not allowing anyone into Kherson, not even humanitarian aid. There are many farms in the Kherson region, and after the Russians allowed entry into the city from neighboring villages (with full car searches and document checks), many farmers brought meat and vegetables into the city, but the prices are very high and there are long queues. Peaceful rallies are held in the city center almost every day. At first the Russians ignored it, a few days ago they started shooting in the air to disperse the rally, and yesterday they used smoke grenades, people were injured from grenade fragments. This is what is happening in Kherson. And now the good news - I'm creating a new website "Scroll Saw Gallery" (my Etsy store is also open), photos from my clients. I would be grateful if you could send your photo to my email - alexscrollsaw@gmail.com Here is the link - Scroll Gallery


Scrappile  I wanted to make it clear: this is my post more than a year ago. Alexandr quoted it and translated to russian and wrote that it is lie. I dont know who it is, at his profile country is russia. And after that hi asked me pattern for free. That is all you need to know about russians. I have nothing more to add. 

Edited by alexfox

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