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CA Glue and Accelerator----Can someone educate me?


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I have had terrible luck with buying any of the CA glues and keeping them useable. I open, use once and the next time, they are dead. Sealed up never to be opened again. Anyway, to my question, What brand, viscosity, size to buy? Also, I've heard that the accelerator is really nothing but water in an aerosol can. So, who can tell me the straight truth? I want to buy some to have on hand, and I want it to not dry up in the bottle between uses. How to do that? Please!!


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I use E_Z Bond cyanoacrylate for pen finishing. One thing with CA is that moisture in the air will cause it to set up. It takes a while but if you don't seal it with the provided cap it will harden after a few weeks to a month. I have some thin CA that is now the consistency of thick CA. Useless. If course it's been on the bench, half full, for about 4 months. You can store unopened bottles in a refrigerator and it will keep for years, in my experience. I also have used Loctite and several other brands with good results. 

As for accelerators, they contain acetone, ethyl alcohol, and other ingredients. The reaction between the accelerator and CA is less than a second so don't get the CA on your fingers if you are using accelerator. The reaction can cause nasty burns.

Avoid trying water as it will make a mess and doesn't act as an accelerator.

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This is why I get confused. There are two schools of thought already on this subject. I always screw the cap on tightly but the next time I want to use the glue, and it might be a while, it's either dried solid or has become jell-like and won't come out of the bottle. I have been reading on the different brands of CA and it seems like the Gorilla brand of instand glue gets the thumbs up for lasting and drying fast. No accelerator necessary. It amazes me at the cost of any of the CA glues. There are a couple of names on Amazon that I've not heard of but they have pretty good ratings. Except for the folks who never give good ratings on anything. I guess I'll just keep doing what I've been doing and hope for the best. Keep all the info coming though. I'm reading everything and trying to keep an open mind on what to do. Brand names help too.


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Hi Ray:

I have had the same problem.  I ordered this from Amazon.  It is CA Glue in small tubes.  https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B001PILFVY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1

If you are using great quantities it would be a problem but if, like me, you need it occasionally this minimizes waste.


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Ray mate..I don't buy/use  CA in tubes after you use it an put the cap back on don't lay it down it seals I used to try to keep it upright but that's almost impossible.

I only use CA that comes in small plastic bottles and when I have applied the glue before replacing the top/cap I bang the base of said bottle squarely on the bench to clear the hole and then I replace the cap/top that way next time you use it it should be ready for the CA to run/drip as required.  

As for accelerators never had much luck but I did find some that seems ok it's a spray will check it out when I get to the workshop in a few hours, I brought it in NZ so.....


Cheers Merlin...

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42 minutes ago, Blaughn said:

Hi Ray:

I have had the same problem.  I ordered this from Amazon.  It is CA Glue in small tubes.  https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B001PILFVY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1

If you are using great quantities it would be a problem but if, like me, you need it occasionally this minimizes waste.


This is what I have now but a different brand. Thanks.

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Ray, I use Stick Fast CA glue and I am happy with its results. I buy it from Woodcraft but it is available from Amazon also. I buy the medium size bottle and the medium set up speed. I used the accelerator if I need a 3rd hand when gluing parts together but mostly holding parts together for a minute or two does the trick. If I am not quick enough to put the cap back on, the tip can get clogged up and I'll just use a very small drill to open up the hole. Heck, its also great for cuts! I was cutting up some boxes with a utility knife and slipped and cut across the top of my thumb and cut through the nail. Squeezed it all together and put a drop of CA on the cut and it healed up in 3 days. ( DO NOT THE ACCELORATOR!! That will really hurt!) They have been using it in hospitals for years. It's been my go to CA glue.


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27 minutes ago, munzieb said:

Ray, I use Stick Fast CA glue and I am happy with its results. I buy it from Woodcraft but it is available from Amazon also. I buy the medium size bottle and the medium set up speed. I used the accelerator if I need a 3rd hand when gluing parts together but mostly holding parts together for a minute or two does the trick. If I am not quick enough to put the cap back on, the tip can get clogged up and I'll just use a very small drill to open up the hole. Heck, its also great for cuts! I was cutting up some boxes with a utility knife and slipped and cut across the top of my thumb and cut through the nail. Squeezed it all together and put a drop of CA on the cut and it healed up in 3 days. ( DO NOT THE ACCELORATOR!! That will really hurt!) They have been using it in hospitals for years. It's been my go to CA glue.


That's the brand I was going to try before reading about Gorilla. Thanks.

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5 hours ago, munzieb said:

Ray, I use Stick Fast CA glue and I am happy with its results. I buy it from Woodcraft but it is available from Amazon also. I buy the medium size bottle and the medium set up speed. I used the accelerator if I need a 3rd hand when gluing parts together but mostly holding parts together for a minute or two does the trick. If I am not quick enough to put the cap back on, the tip can get clogged up and I'll just use a very small drill to open up the hole. Heck, its also great for cuts! I was cutting up some boxes with a utility knife and slipped and cut across the top of my thumb and cut through the nail. Squeezed it all together and put a drop of CA on the cut and it healed up in 3 days. ( DO NOT THE ACCELORATOR!! That will really hurt!) They have been using it in hospitals for years. It's been my go to CA glue.


I also use the Stick fast,, have had prob. 6 or 8 bottles in the last couple of years and only one dried up on me.  I tap the bottle on the bench after using and put the cap on immediately.  A few bottles that I have had,, the cap didn't close very tight so I put a piece of Glad cling wrap on first then the cap.  

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@OCtoolguy Ray, I don't know how cold it gets where you hang your hat, but I very, very rarely have problems with CA (Super Glue) drying out.  Perhaps because it is bloody hot here :)
I usually purchase it from, what you blokes call a dollar store, Red dot etc, in 2g tubes on cards of up to 10 tubes. When I get them home, i bust them of the card and place them all in a screw top jar and just keep them in a cupboard in the shed. Part used I place next to the jar. Sometimes I have to cut the tip of a little because it has become blocked.

What Makes you so "super", Super Glue? | Shoplet

Edited by John B
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Thanks for this Ray, you have started something. My only experiences with super glue have been fairly unsuccessful and I have only managed to glue my fingers together (probably more often than I have glued projects). My fingers stuck fairly rapidly and I was told it was because the fingers had sweat/moisture on them that worked as an accelerator.Go figure.

Don W


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After trying many brands, my solution was to buy the Harbor Freight 10 pack. Reasoning that I would open the tube, use the glue, and then toss it. For some reason, I didn't throw it out, and it hasn't dried up on me. It comes in thin and thick versions. Current pricing is $2.99 for ten tubes.

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14 hours ago, munzieb said:

Ray, I use Stick Fast CA glue and I am happy with its results. I buy it from Woodcraft but it is available from Amazon also. I buy the medium size bottle and the medium set up speed. I used the accelerator if I need a 3rd hand when gluing parts together but mostly holding parts together for a minute or two does the trick. If I am not quick enough to put the cap back on, the tip can get clogged up and I'll just use a very small drill to open up the hole. Heck, its also great for cuts! I was cutting up some boxes with a utility knife and slipped and cut across the top of my thumb and cut through the nail. Squeezed it all together and put a drop of CA on the cut and it healed up in 3 days. ( DO NOT THE ACCELORATOR!! That will really hurt!) They have been using it in hospitals for years. It's been my go to CA glue.


i am 100% with Bernd.  I use the same brand bought at the same woodcraft location😎.  I have had a bottle more than 6 months and still useable. IF you decide to use accelerator you MUST spray in a direction or a bit away from your open CA bottle.  The spray mist May contaminate your CA. Good luck. 

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I don't use CYA glue for my woodworking projects, haven't found a need.  Titebond and 3M77 seem to do everything I need.  What do you use it for?

I might try it for stack cutting using the technique from @CSull/Craig in another post. 

I am still contemplating Dan's idea of using it as a finish.  

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For the samll amount of CA I need in this hobby I have gone to using the Loctite or Gorrila brand CA, but in the gel form.  More expensive than using the larger bottles available, but I do use up these small bottles before they can dry up, as long as I put the cap back on quickly.

The loose liquid CA is too easy to spill or drip and makes using a very small amount difficult.  I can put a single drop of the gel on a break or the like much easier.  Afte it dries, it can even be cleaned up with some Dremel Burrs as needed.  I have also mixed it with sawdust to fill a voild.  Works better than using Titebond and sawdust.


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