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Posted (edited)

Hi all,

I thought I might try an Alex Fox pattern, anyone know what he puts his patterns on and then just sticks it on the wood? I wonder if it is full size shipping labels or what, it's something that peels off.



Edited by nrscroller
  • nrscroller changed the title to Anyone know what Alex Fox is putting hispatterns on to stick on the wood?
Posted (edited)

I HATE lifting patterns!  I tried something different with my current project:

As has been suggested several times:

  1. Sand the top surface of the work piece with 220 grit sand paper to prep it for applying the pattern.
  2. Wipe the surface after sanding with a cloth dampened with alcohol.
  3. When the alcohol was thoroughly evaporated (2-3 minutes) I applied the Walmart "Duck" clear shelf lining plastic.

    At this point I did an additional step that really helped:
  4. I used a rubber wallpaper seam roller to press the Duck shelf lining plastic into the surface of the wood piece.  You can actually see the shelf liner becoming more clear as the adhesive is pressed into the wood.  
  5. I print my patterns on 8.5 x 11 Press-ply labels   Using these I apply the pattern to the Duck shelf liner.
  6. Finally I cover the Press-Apply label with 2" clear package tape.

This has drastically reduced the tendency to lift and, for me, is now my routine.

Wallpaper seam roller:  https://smile.amazon.com/Xtozon-Deadener-Filter-Application-Rolling/dp/B07DQG4LCJ/ref=sr_1_3?crid=160RQWEU0JLR8&keywords=wallpaper%2Bseam%2Broller%2Brubber&qid=1650223235&sprefix=wallpaper%2Bseam%2Broller%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-3&th=1

Press-ply Labels: https://smile.amazon.com/Pres-ply-Address-Labels-30605/dp/B0006HV9HU/ref=sr_1_2?crid=B8ES9OTIR0WW&keywords=8.5+x+11+press-ply+labels&qid=1650224061&sprefix=8.5+x+11+press-ply+labels%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-2

Edited by Blaughn
Posted (edited)

Scroll Saw pattern supply catalogs sell a full sheet with pull off backing that is designed for applying to wood projects. You print directly to the sheet, then peel off the backing and apply to your wood blank. The sheets are supposed to be easily removable. Wooden Teddy bear and Cherry Tree sell them.

Edited by dgman

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