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Hi Don here, I see there is about 32 scroller staying in the Johannesburg, Gauteng area, would it be nice if we could through, WhatsApp, FB or Messenger, and share ideas help each other, discuss blades etc. 

We are so far away from all the good scrolling stuff that we have to keep thinking out the box.

Please Nobody’s obligated if you think it’s a stupid, cool toss it in the bin, it’s just a thought.


G'day Don,
In another scroll saw group that I belonged to, it had chat rooms and you could set a time and have interested or invited people on line at the same time to share ideas or just chat. I would of sworn that we had one here, but I can't find it. Maybe It's just as case of C.R.A.F.T. :)


Hi Barbara, Scroll saws is a huge Problem in S A, we can get the Marlet (which I have) or the Ryobi all these types of scroll saws come out the same factory parts are all interchangeable, if you look at my post of the Leopard that was cut on my Marlet which I have modified, it’s vibration less, has a huge 500x500mm tabletop so your work piece is always on the table. I know where to get most stuff I do all my maintenance on my saw myself. Soyeh we can chat some how and see how we can help each other.


Hi, Barbara, the middle range saws i.e. Seyco (my dream saw) Pegasus, De Walt etc. is so expensive to import, because of courier cost and of course our governments import duty, which makes it just too expense for me anyway I’m a pensioner. I got a few quotes and and to import could cost us anything from R16000.00 - R35000.00 ($2850.00). I just can’t afford that expense. Secondly there’s no service so if it packs up you may as well throw it away. I read on another scroll saw group I belong to a guy a new saw ( not going to mention the name) it was delivered, it did not work, not to bother they replaced it a couple of days later and that did not work, so they replaced it again and believe it or not the third saw did not work, he asked for a refund and bought another brand which worked perfectly from day, so we would be in huge trouble if that happened to us.

44 minutes ago, Don Bedggood said:

Hi, Barbara, the middle range saws i.e. Seyco (my dream saw) Pegasus, De Walt etc. is so expensive to import, because of courier cost and of course our governments import duty, which makes it just too expense for me anyway I’m a pensioner. I got a few quotes and and to import could cost us anything from R16000.00 - R35000.00 ($2850.00). I just can’t afford that expense. Secondly there’s no service so if it packs up you may as well throw it away. I read on another scroll saw group I belong to a guy a new saw ( not going to mention the name) it was delivered, it did not work, not to bother they replaced it a couple of days later and that did not work, so they replaced it again and believe it or not the third saw did not work, he asked for a refund and bought another brand which worked perfectly from day, so we would be in huge trouble if that happened to us.

Boy! I thought I had it tough living at the forest fringe in Saskatchewan Canada


We can’t even get a decent selection of scroll saw blades, our supplier order 10000 blades pa, yip pa and they are not sizes I require to do fine detailed work. He does not know his market and we pay $6.85 per doz for $23.95 I can get 6 doz.

Everything here is a total rip off, the scroll saw importers are continually out of stock of critical parts i.e. then tension rod and nuts, I’ve my spare to a friend of mine who works with steel every and he is going to make me a couple of spare. You just can rely on the importers. I’m going to import my own blades from Bearwood and they can send it to me express air Mail parcel post, will take few weeks to arrive, but I will get them.

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Don Bedggood said:


You are very lucky and very Blessed to own so many high quality saws.


Thank you. I know I am but I only have them after doing a lot of buying/selling of used saws. I realize how lucky I am to be where that is possible. I hope the best for you and all your fellow scrollers in So. Africa. It's a shame when a government makes life so difficult when it's not necessary.


Edited by OCtoolguy
14 hours ago, Don Bedggood said:

We can’t even get a decent selection of scroll saw blades, our supplier order 10000 blades pa, yip pa and they are not sizes I require to do fine detailed work. He does not know his market and we pay $6.85 per doz for $23.95 I can get 6 doz.

Everything here is a total rip off, the scroll saw importers are continually out of stock of critical parts i.e. then tension rod and nuts, I’ve my spare to a friend of mine who works with steel every and he is going to make me a couple of spare. You just can rely on the importers. I’m going to import my own blades from Bearwood and they can send it to me express air Mail parcel post, will take few weeks to arrive, but I will get them.

@Don Bedggood
Have a look at The Wooden Teddy Bear

I get all of my blades from the (Flying Dutchman and Olson). They take the time to package items in the most economical way for postage and their prices are excellent, with quite large further discounts if ordered by the gross. They are also super quick.
The gross amount can be made up by mixing and matching brands, sizes and types of blades.
Good Luck


What you guys also don't realize is postage is a problem to theft is bad.  Most country's don't even want to deal with South Africa.  I was told by a hardware store

that the German scroll saw was broken by the people testing it when it was brought in at the government department passing  it coming in.  No money back. 



Don Thanks for the friendly help will also try to share with you any help I can.  We over this part of the world have thttps://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjCgr7lpaL3AhXLse0KHUIwB9AYABAAGgJkZw&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbeD2uHr5loe8x9qB1z7PZtPp2RxPoquZQeTq9qzOB-o4OGlh-VCMLBF6etC1rh2dBeX0Q1iNW0cUOhqQT2gGyKwkUBe1dcsheFMoDN5zkOjamiViN8_-ZXeWvVcbTtaxIl_zfmcJwah3yZR-YIc&sig=AOD64_2aDdyy0hTuAZcJ3hNxZSW7yrW8Mw&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiB07blpaL3AhXLQkEAHbSnAQ8Q0Qx6BAgDEAEo help each other. My husband i always  on the hunt

Adendorff does some times  have stuff he said they have a low end scroll saw but a up grade from mine and last time I got blades was in Randburg a hardware store.

If more info needed I will look up the address.


I will surely like to take you up on your invite and as for A boer maak a plan ek is married to a boer.  Yes they do

Just answering Don Bedggood post He used the a comment in Afrikaans words which means a man makes a plan.
It is  a phrase which is used a lot.  I think in years  to come there might be a mix of all the different bits of odd phrases.

Sorry was not been rude to anyone as it is not meant that way I am still learning what to say and say on the internet to other country's


5 hours ago, Loskoppie said:

I will surely like to take you up on your invite and as for A boer maak a plan ek is married to a boer.  Yes they do

Just answering Don Bedggood post He used the a comment in Afrikaans words which means a man makes a plan.
It is  a phrase which is used a lot.  I think in years  to come there might be a mix of all the different bits of odd phrases.

Sorry was not been rude to anyone as it is not meant that way I am still learning what to say and say on the internet to other country's


I was wondering what you were saying Barbara but now with the explanation I get it. It would have been great if in the world everybody spoke the same language. Be well.

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