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14 hours ago, Dragonkort said:

simply beautiful,and a nice plan fabric could set in the bowl to keep the m&ms from falling out, the right peace of cloth would bring out the beauty of the wood and the wounderful scrolling it took to make it


Thanks.  Leave it to you to think of a piece of cloth.


lol well since I do so many different crafts I have an entire room full of yarns and fabric for knittinig crocheting and sewing lol and i often intermix them together. Im starting a new crochet project tomarrow.....Im going to crochet my russon turt a simple shell cover to look sort of like a saddle and then im going to put some velrow on that and the other half on the bottom of a 3d printed knob so it will look like the knob is ridding on a turt to where ever knobs roam to lol  I also have 2 small doors i cut out last summer to put together and paint and then I can nail them to the big old tree stump we have in the front yard....lol and im trying to figure out the best way to take some tree branchees to make a tee ter totter and a swing set and maybe a bbq grill to put on one side of the stump on the top to sort of make like a play ground when they cut down the tree they didnt cut it all stright across , one side of the top of the stump is higher then the other. On the higher side I need to figure out how to make like a roof over the tree stump house, I could then make like a little door on the side of the higher part of the stump leading out to the play ground airea....humm or maybe take some plairn and make like a roap ladder going down from the roof to the lower part of the stump...humm well i have the ideas lol now we will see if i can actually make it work lol and i know i cut out some compound cut knobs from here i think that would be just the right size for my little knob house....im going to have to go through the patterns here and see if i can find it...it would be a lot easer then searching through like 40 some odd years full of patterns....lol now if that sounds like im not very orginized its because im not!!! lol

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