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I've been real busy myself.. I've been checking in on here daily but really not been posting much.. most times someone already answered or I just haven't been in the discussion mind frame. I have 4 cars in the drive that needs worked on. I have a 24 x 24 shop that over the last few years has been the catch all and it's turned into a storage shed rather than a shop, LOL.. I've hauled 2 loads of scrap iron to the metal recyclers and at least one more load to go out of that shop. I have not done any scroll work in at least a week other than a couple small made to order items to make. I hope to be back in the shop scrolling at least some in the next couple weeks. That being said, I'm slowing up on the scroll work a bit.. probably hurt my wallet this year but I've been trying to get to learning the CNC better as I have some more involved projects than I've done in the past that I want to make and maybe sell if I can learn the special technique.  

Yard work too but not just yard work.. In the past I used to put in a larger garden about 30 x 30.. but a few years ago I had a new driveway put in and they had to remove 6" of the old drive to remake a solid base.. I told them I wanted to keep the dirt and told them to put in my my garden area.. I had no idea there was going to be that large of a pile.. so now.. I'm moving all this old driveway gravel out of my garden. My bigger tractor is broke down so I'm shoveling this into my trailer and taking it to that back part of my property and shoveling it back out. About half of it is gone so far.. At least I'll be able to do half a garden at this point.. but would like to get the whole thing done.. don't think it's going to happen though.

Anyway, Yeah.. just trying to get things caught up and also trying to get as much as I can done before the temps rise too much.. I don't like doing this kind of hard work if it's too warm, I work a lot harder in the cooler temps. Would have done a lot of this over the winter but the dirt pile was froze solid, LOL Not working that hard to pickaxe it up, LOL.. Speaking of digging.. I need to dig up my septic tank to have it pumped out. I try to do that every 5-6 years.. 5 years was when we was on lock downs for covid. I only dig that up in spring or fall.. it's out in the yard where there is no shade at any time of the day. The pump guy says he'd put a riser lid on it as it's about 4 foot down.. Over my 30 years of living here I'm now starting to get to the age and mindset that he's probably right.. I always told the guy that those risers are for lazy people, LOL.. 

With the last couple years being a crap show with Covid etc.. a lot of things around here got put on the back burner because of the lock downs etc. and I'm trying to play catch up now. 

Haven't even turned on my new dewalt planer or the new table saw. setting in the middle of the shop floor right where I assembled them a few weeks ago. I did manage to get the old planer and some other tools on FB marketplace today and looks like tomorrow will be busy loading them up into the buyers truck.. time to get more stuff listed..  


I haven't been as busy as some of you, but last fall I picked up the King 16" (I'm loving it by the way, I wouldn't have believed it, but it better than my P-20) Then shortly after getting that my wife took over 1/2 my basement shop for dog training. That threw everything into caos. Just when I was getting a small handle on reorganizing my "smaller" shop she informed me that since the warmer weather is I can have the basement back. So it threw everything into caos again. I trying to get a stand built for the King and re-reorganize the shop...again. I have high hope that by June I'll be settled enough to get to some serious scrolling, I really want to put the King through it's paces. I try to check in here a few times a week, and I really need to get better a posting which I plan to. This site has been a real life saver for my as I learned scrolling by the trial and error method for so many years (early 80's and 90's) it was really nice to  first get a computer and to finally find this place. 

My other problem is I'm real good at coming up with projects to cut, real bad at actually starting them mostly because I don't have the time to spend a few hours in the shop. ( as mentioned earlier, it's been in a state of caos for some time and getting to the scroll saw meant at least an hour or moving stuff to get ready to cut. Hopefully that will change in a few weeks)



I have noticed a little slow down of sorts myself, but I tend to think that it is the a combination of a few things.  The weather is nice in most area's now, people are catching up on cleaning, projects around the house, getting out more due to Covid restrictions mostly gone everywhere, maybe even people having to go back to work in offices instead of from home.  

I am a longtime member of a motorcycle forum that was huge.  We had one big forum reunion every year usually somewhere in Tennessee, or N.C., or Virginia, KY, etc. and many smaller ones throughout the year.  As many as over a 100 people a few years back would attend the main reunion, now it's down to around 20 people.  People from all walks of life getting together for a few days to ride, eat, drink, tell lies, etc.  The forum was always very busy, now.. very little activity.  Most went to this place called Facebook.. me, I never use it.  Some of the people I have met over the years from other states thru that forum are closer to me than some of my actual family.  We vacation together, stay at each others houses for days, know their families, etc.  But like I said, the main reunion is down to around 20 people attending.  I haven't went the last 2 years because I sold my bike and we actually been vacationing in new places the last couple of years.  This years reunion is the first of June in Bardstown, KY.  It has been there several times and we are taking the car this year, many do now-a-days because we are older, don't have bikes anymore or some other reason.  I know that it was a motorcycle reunion and we were able to come together and enjoy our hobby whereas this hobby of scrollsawing would be a little difficult to get us all together and scroll away in a hotel parking lot somewhere,, hmmmm? 

My point is at some point we all will find other interests and slowly move on...one way or another unfortunately.  Hopefully I can hang out here for many more years and keep making sawdust and do a little bragging every now and then. 


Hey Ray, I’m still hear, I just don’t have much time to post. I’m still working full time. Actually, Im supposed to be working part time, but lately, it’s been full time. I also do the cooking for three every night. I haven’t been in the shop for a couple of weeks!  But I still check in every day, but I usually don’t have time to post. I still need to reply to Dave on tracking band saw blades but something always come up.

Posted (edited)

G'day Ray,
I have noticed it myself of late.
I haven't had much new to post, in the way of projects, for awhile, but I do try and comment on articles and others projects.
occasionally I'll throw my hat in the Coffee House or have a laugh at some of the articles.
I try hard not to comment on questions etc which others have answered in the same way I would.

Edited by John B

+ 1 for what John B just said, if a question has been answered the way I would have answered then I don't usually butt in.

I have been heavily involved in setting up the new 'Kirkcaldy Men's Shed' and it is opening on the 21st May 2022. Quite a bit to do yet but we will get there. I will then need to see how many new members are interested in scroll saw, pyrography and wood turning and get programmes set up for them.


Life has been getting in the way of my Scroll Saw addiction.  Figuratively speaking, it seems like when it rains, it pours - - -
A MAJOR house remodel project for my brother's house.
Family health issues.
Family car repairs.
Repurposing a Scamp camper into a mobile coffee dispensary.

And the list goes on . . . 

Then Murphy's Law paid me a visit with what I think is a bad bearing - Man, the scroll saw is making a racket when it's running.
Hopefully, I'll get to it in the next couple of days -AFTER having to drive to the camper's work site to get some of my tools to work on the scroll saw.
But all in all, life is still good.  

And maybe, just maybe things will settle down and I'll get to cut some more patterns on the list.     

Posted (edited)

It's Spring time.  I, myself, transition from indoor activities (wood working) to outdoor activities (fishing, camping, motorcycling, yard work, Machine painting/restorations, etc.)

I tend to check into forums of interest, but I don't really post much as I am just not as focused on this sort of thing.


Edited by DRugerH

Great observation Ray.  I have noticed that too.  And I am one of those who checks in every day but do not always have anything to post.  

I am doing more in woodworking but no longer exclusively in scrolling.  And life has thrown in a few curve balls.

We hosted a family get-together for Easter.  It was a good time and it was great to see everyone but it did take some time away from the shop.

Most recently I received a request from the local St Vincent de Paul Society to make a new sign for their new building.  That has included quite a bit of scrolling but has also pushed my woodworking skills in new directions.  Maybe I will post something in "Works in Progress".

Last week I visited my doctor about pain in my thumbs.  Turns out to be arthritis and he gave me shots of cortisone in both thumbs.  And he gave me thumb braces and instructions to limit my use of my hands for the next several weeks.  So, scrolling is ok, but no turning bowls on the lathe and no golf.  

On the interesting side, an acquaintance who makes guitars decided to clean out his shop.  I wound up with lots of small pieces of exotic woods, many of them new to me.  I will have fun playing with those.  




It's that time of the year. Plus life has a tendency to get in the way.  Still got some work to do on the She Shed, hubby just bought and we installed new counter tops.  The garage door opener decided to die so we are installing a new one today.  Hubby has major surgery coming up early June so a lot of doctor appts. beforehand. It just seems to be one thing after another.  I do check in first thing every morning and see what's happing and if there are any Birthday's to acknowledge. Then it's off to what is on they days agenda. Sigh!  

12 hours ago, jollyred said:

It's spring time, and the yard needs a lot of work to get ready for summer.  Also time to get out the grill.


I only wish - we still have about a foot of snow and possibly more this weekend, depending on the temperature.  Seasonal temps should be +14 Celsius.  This morning -7. 


Well,  I will add to this conversation.  I do check regularly and now that I am newly retired, check it daily.  I have been spending a couple of hours daily in the workshop this month.  Have a lot of stuff cut, but nothing totally finished.  As others said, if it has already been answered, I won't comment.  There are others that are far more knowledgeable than I.  I also belong to a few FB groups and tend to post there.  It is a little easier to post there from my phone than it is here from my tablet. And harder to post here from my phone.  Focus will be changing soon to some of our boat projects.  Just waiting for the snow to go and the lake to thaw.  


I understand what Ray is saying, I've noticed it too and it's been happening for a longer period of time than just the last few weeks.. I'm going to add to this conversation just a little bit and try to keep politics and whatnot out of it. We had a handful of people that would comment on most every topic to keep conversation going.. those few people, well some are no longer with us on this earth and some others are dealing with health and other hardship times...

When I start a topic about something and nobody comments on said topic.. what's the point of posting my conversation??? lots of people "read" but don't comment.. makes me feel as though I'm wasting valuable time and I can go to a FB group and post and get 50 like reactions and several comments.. post same topic here and get maybe 1-2 comments and very little reactions. IF nobody is here to pick up my conversation I'm just talking to myself then right? SO, if you want to see a change in the activity on the forum then be the activity you want to see. Those few people that used to help keep conversations going made it feel like someone was actually listening (reading ) and they spent a lot of time on here doing so.. many of us are working still and don't have the time to go through every topic and comment, but they almost commented on every post in every forum topic which made the topic starter feel someone cared and was listening.. now it seems like talking into space.. I can talk to myself out in the shop while getting work done and get the same answers I get here lately so why not get some work done instead. People will go where they get the attention.. unfortunately those FB groups are hopping with activity.. I personally can't stand the FB groups nor FB itself or the founder and his weird beliefs... okay.. better stop there because it's heading into a political convo now.. but you all get the idea.. anyway it's sad that so many are actively using that place and if I want any conversation at all whether it's woodworking groups or family I have to go there to get a response and that weirdo founder seems to have a strong magnet drawing people in.  It's a sad day when I can call my brother on the phone who lives in Florida and he don't answer the phone but I can go to FB and message him and get a response in 1-2 minutes.. That's exactly why I hate that place.. almost a cult of sorts.. and many don't see it like that.  

I recently bought a new planer and a new table saw.. posted about those new tools here and only a few people posted on those topics.. back in the day of those few regulars keeping conversations going there would have been 2-3 pages of replies / comments / story telling.. and the topic would change from planer brands to planer knives and dust collection etc. etc. Instead I got a couple of congrats on the new tool.. some take those new tool post topics as bragging or showing off, flaunting your money, new tool etc.. I just try to post topic starters.. many folks would turn those into conversations.. now they just dead end streets so to speak. 

Anyway you get the idea, there just no chatty folks on here, just lurkers.. until that changes it'll be dead here because people will gravitate to where the attention is at.. 


8 minutes ago, kmmcrafts said:

I understand what Ray is saying, I've noticed it too and it's been happening for a longer period of time than just the last few weeks.. I'm going to add to this conversation just a little bit and try to keep politics and whatnot out of it. We had a handful of people that would comment on most every topic to keep conversation going.. those few people, well some are no longer with us on this earth and some others are dealing with health and other hardship times...

When I start a topic about something and nobody comments on said topic.. what's the point of posting my conversation??? lots of people "read" but don't comment.. makes me feel as though I'm wasting valuable time and I can go to a FB group and post and get 50 like reactions and several comments.. post same topic here and get maybe 1-2 comments and very little reactions. IF nobody is here to pick up my conversation I'm just talking to myself then right? SO, if you want to see a change in the activity on the forum then be the activity you want to see. Those few people that used to help keep conversations going made it feel like someone was actually listening (reading ) and they spent a lot of time on here doing so.. many of us are working still and don't have the time to go through every topic and comment, but they almost commented on every post in every forum topic which made the topic starter feel someone cared and was listening.. now it seems like talking into space.. I can talk to myself out in the shop while getting work done and get the same answers I get here lately so why not get some work done instead. People will go where they get the attention.. unfortunately those FB groups are hopping with activity.. I personally can't stand the FB groups nor FB itself or the founder and his weird beliefs... okay.. better stop there because it's heading into a political convo now.. but you all get the idea.. anyway it's sad that so many are actively using that place and if I want any conversation at all whether it's woodworking groups or family I have to go there to get a response and that weirdo founder seems to have a strong magnet drawing people in.  It's a sad day when I can call my brother on the phone who lives in Florida and he don't answer the phone but I can go to FB and message him and get a response in 1-2 minutes.. That's exactly why I hate that place.. almost a cult of sorts.. and many don't see it like that.  

I recently bought a new planer and a new table saw.. posted about those new tools here and only a few people posted on those topics.. back in the day of those few regulars keeping conversations going there would have been 2-3 pages of replies / comments / story telling.. and the topic would change from planer brands to planer knives and dust collection etc. etc. Instead I got a couple of congrats on the new tool.. some take those new tool post topics as bragging or showing off, flaunting your money, new tool etc.. I just try to post topic starters.. many folks would turn those into conversations.. now they just dead end streets so to speak. 

Anyway you get the idea, there just no chatty folks on here, just lurkers.. until that changes it'll be dead here because people will gravitate to where the attention is at.. 


Kev, I totally enjoy reading your commentary.  It always is well thought out and presented.  I wouldn't have commented on the table saw or planer as I don't have either.  I am one of those "sucked into" fb.  I will however always answer my phone.  I much prefer talking to a person.  So much can get misconstrued via text/written word.  My sarcasm doesn't come through very well in the written form.  


I too was asking this question about why not many comments. I am slightly discouraged. So I did more homework.

So I observed that views and comments are listed.  I asked my son about these numbers.  He has software engineering and seen this software before. Views are so high because so many automatic softwares are actually probing the topics.  Additional factors is only a fraction of people will contribute.

In the activity menu there is online viewers,  now turn on the filter for logged in.  Not many are logging in.

Some villagers dont know english. So that also reduces the replies.

So getting 11 replies in 3 weeks is a decent number for now. I see many people joining in the last few months. Also those replies count the original aurthor. 

Now some contributers have some really nice stuff and we all learn from them. FrankEV always asks for comment.  So I give my comments.  Sometimes my comments are more slightly funny. But I still give it.

My stuff is so unique people dont say much.  Or I mis-use the patterns. They dont know what to say. So I keep going and share my stuff anyway. Coming soon I have 2 picture tutorials submitted and being edited.  

I also message other villagers to ask stuff. So some content is not seen until my project is near completion.

Working from home is ending. I have to go to work office 1 or 2 days a week.  This village kept my interaction with new people during stay at home. THANK YOU.

So my son says don't get caught up in the numbers views / replies.  Just contribute and see where it goes. 

Okay 1 more observation,  I wear my wooden cowboy hat to stores.  I only get approached by people who like it.  People that dont like it I dont hear their comment. So this also applies to this village. So we have a one way system.  Not 1 question do I hear, why wear a wooden hat? 

    To give the answer away... is I dont know why. So I wear it for now to see how bad the idea is.  All my friends love the way it looks.  I took it as a challenge to the wood turned hats.  Also I also like stuff that has not been done.  

Thanks for reading / listening. I was able to get my opinions out in the open.

Me. Mark Eason



I want to say thank you to everybody who took the time to reply to my topic. I'm okd and retired and I forget that other folks have lives outside if the Village. I just got worried that we were falling apart as the family that I feel we are. I do look forward to seeing what everybody is doing once you all have time to scroll again. In the meantime, have fun and stay well. I love you all and worry about you all when I don't hear from you. As for me, my wife informed me that she needed 4 more of the votive candle holders that I have made in the past so I'm working on them. They are very time consuming so it's slow going. Then I have some flower vases that I want to make but I'm going to alter he pattern a bit to accept 2" flameless candles. I'll post pics as I move along.

32 minutes ago, preprius said:

I too was asking this question about why not many comments. I am slightly discouraged. So I did more homework.

So I observed that views and comments are listed.  I asked my son about these numbers.  He has software engineering and seen this software before. Views are so high because so many automatic softwares are actually probing the topics.  Additional factors is only a fraction of people will contribute.

In the activity menu there is online viewers,  now turn on the filter for logged in.  Not many are logging in.

Some villagers dont know english. So that also reduces the replies.

So getting 11 replies in 3 weeks is a decent number for now. I see many people joining in the last few months. Also those replies count the original aurthor. 

Now some contributers have some really nice stuff and we all learn from them. FrankEV always asks for comment.  So I give my comments.  Sometimes my comments are more slightly funny. But I still give it.

My stuff is so unique people dont say much.  Or I mis-use the patterns. They dont know what to say. So I keep going and share my stuff anyway. Coming soon I have 2 picture tutorials submitted and being edited.  

I also message other villagers to ask stuff. So some content is not seen until my project is near completion.

Working from home is ending. I have to go to work office 1 or 2 days a week.  This village kept my interaction with new people during stay at home. THANK YOU.

So my son says don't get caught up in the numbers views / replies.  Just contribute and see where it goes. 

Okay 1 more observation,  I wear my wooden cowboy hat to stores.  I only get approached by people who like it.  People that dont like it I dont hear their comment. So this also applies to this village. So we have a one way system.  Not 1 question do I hear, why wear a wooden hat? 

    To give the answer away... is I dont know why. So I wear it for now to see how bad the idea is.  All my friends love the way it looks.  I took it as a challenge to the wood turned hats.  Also I also like stuff that has not been done.  

Thanks for reading / listening. I was able to get my opinions out in the open.

Me. Mark Eason


Mark, I must admit that I wondered about such an odd project. Now I'm really in awe over the fact that you are actually wearing your hat. Amazing! I hope it doesn't give you a headache. I know it would me. I'm sure you learned a lot while making it too. That's the real gift. The experience and knowledge that you gained from it is pure gold. I guess that's why I make the stuff that I do. Things that are different and useful. And if a pattern can be changed all the better. I'm glad you found this hobby and this family.

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