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I am stumped for what is cool to make with this glue up.

I was given some white oak slats that were used in vinyards wine vats for aging red wine.  I trimmed the edges to 90 deg and made each slat parallel. Then glued them up. Final size 18"x20". 

I have not sanded them flat yet. Most are 5/16" thick some are 1/4" thick. If I do sand them, then the redness will be removed or washed out.  

It would be cool for some vinyard idea or a wine theme. 

I usually stay away from wall hanger art but I am open for all suggestions. 

I can get 2 or 3 pallets of these if I want to.  It take some effort to trim and make these parallel. 


Mark Eason


Posted (edited)

Or, how about making serving trays out of them. I think a "rustic" tray would sell well. I'd plane them all to the same thickness, on the bottom of the slats though so that the wine stained wood would be on top.



Edited by OCtoolguy
1 hour ago, new2woodwrk said:

My first thoughts are do not sand it but use it as a background

Place pieces on in to make a scene

Here is an example of one of our first creation using pallet wood:


Very nice. 


Tool handles. They would be real cool for making a laminate handle using your wood as the outside layer for hand plane handles, or chisel handles., even knife or carving tool handles.. Nice wood !



I quit drinking a long time ago.  1991.  So I am not up on Wine accessories.  

So I have been looking at Etsy on Wine Decor. What a huge industry.  How do I compete with artists that drink wine??

They are so creative.     Wine glass stem charms, rings for glasses. really. 

Oh they also have a "Clog wine bottle holder".   https://www.etsy.com/listing/645382788/vintage-wooden-wine-holder-clog-bottle?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=wine+decor&ref=sr_gallery-35-14&frs=1&organic_search_click=1




I think I have the same wood.  Our club bought 4 pallets of it from a guy, he used it for flooring and stair treads, it looked very cool.  I have used some in scroll work but you needs to be very selective on the boards you use, there are hidden cracks and weak spots throughout the boards. I have also used some in crosses I made.  I love working with it, it smalls like molasses when you work with it.

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