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I bought a Pegas SS which I love. This was an upgrade from my Delta 40-694 SS which developed a engine mount issue at 4yrs(see another post about warranty problems and selling this SS and stand).   I also bought the Pegas 4 legged stand.  I found the stand requires larger footprint than my Delta stand(which is basically a twin to a Dewalt 788).    The Pegas stand has 33x36 leg foot print at the floor level vs the Delta 3 leg stand with 18 in x 33 leg space  requirement.  The Pegas stand does have the capabilty to put a board across the middle bars for storage, a  plus in my book. Furthermore,  the Pegas table top measures 37 inches above the floor with adjustable legs at highest setting, versus the Delta table top at 41inches on its stand.  I am 68 inches tall, so long legged  folks might need blocks or leg extenders to make this Pegas stand work.  I had to lower my seat by few inches to make my Pegas stand situation workable but never the less would like to see longer legs on the Pegas stand.   Most important the Pegas SS stand came with  NO ASSEMBLY instructions, only a diagram.  I tried for hours to assemble and finally contacted both Grobet USA NJ and Bearwoods CS for help.  Bearwoods CS rep sent the needed assembly instructions and the NJ Grobet rep also was helpful but the Bearwoods instructions were the key to my success.  One needs to follow the sequence of assembly exactly. In my initial stand assembly tries I didn't  have instructions and as a result I would get to the last tie bar and found it would not fit and then had to disassemble everything  and restart...very, very frustrating.   Also when assembling, be sure to keep the shipping bolts fastening the SS to the shipping box plywood  ,one needs them later for the stand assembly.  Note, also my Pegas SS came with the blade out of center, the Grobet USA rep immediately provided instructions on how to fix, so very pleased with  Bearwoods and GrobetUSA  NJ customer service. Once I got the Pegas stand together was a solid platform for the SS.   The shop vac to the dust Pegas collector works great by the way. Also the Pegas has now larger table top available so they have addressed a lot of the Seyco advantages. 

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