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On 7/3/2022 at 8:57 PM, Rolf said:

John, Just as I remember you are the master painter! your wood finishing is the best I have seen.  

will these be gifts or will you be selling them?

Thanks Rolf, I appreciate it mate.
These are for sale. My Daughter set up a facebook page where she posts pic of my stuff and I make a few sales, only to locals so there is no postage involved. The majority I sell at local markets, every couple of months or so.

20 hours ago, barb.j.enders said:

Those look great.  You have an amazing finish on them.


19 hours ago, Dak0ta52 said:

I agree with the other comments. Your finish on these is outstanding. Well done!


12 hours ago, Foxfold said:

I agree with everyone else, they are stunning and the finish is brilliant. May I ask how/with what do you paint ? Brush/airbrush/acrylic etc.  ?

Thanks heaps, Barb, Rod and Brenda.
I usually paint the colours by hand, however, I decided to give my airbrush a shot this time, but it was not as successful as I had hoped. I did the red and some black with it.
I reverted to the good old brush. I use normal household water based acrylics in either a flat or satin, then cover with clear gloss lacquer, cutting back with 320g paper between coats. The same is done with the most colour, 2 coats and cut back between. I have 90% of my colours in 1 litre, some in 4 litre tins as I used to make hundreds of toys. Now I find that if I want a new colour I will get a sample pot.

17 hours ago, wombatie said:

Fabulous.   Excellent colour choices.  Very impressive.  Are they from the Fox Chapel book?


Thanks heaps Marg,
I think that some of my standard ones are. The Whale, Elephants, Chook and Duck.  Some I have made from a simple colouring book pic and others I have found on the net (motor Bike and Worm). The Rockers are all patterns supplied by Barb.


I don't know how John does it, but I have a router table set up with a 1/8 round over for the small ones and 3/16 or 1/4 for larger projects. Then a MAC mop.

Many years ago I got a Christmas ornament from John it showed me how projects should feel!

9 hours ago, Blaughn said:

I just made the Elephant and baby model.  I used a sanding mop to relieve the edges but your versions show even more rounding of the edges and it enhances the item.  How are you getting the rounded edges?



G'day Bruce, I do the exact same as @Rolf. Before I cut the pieces, I run either a 3mm (1/8") or a 6mm (1/4") round over around the outside edges on my router table. I then cut the puzzle into pieces and use a 180g Mac Mop on a drill press to relieve all of the edges. I then re-assemble the puzzle and give the faces a sand with a ROS using 240g followed by 360g paper. My router table is home made.
One thing to be cautious of, is as I use pine, the router bits must be sharp and you have to get your speed of moving the piece correct to reduce tear out on back grain. This can be taken care of with the Mac Mop.

Thanks @Rolf

4 minutes ago, Charlie E said:

Wow, John! Those look really great. Well, except for the crappy paint job. What'd you use, a pine top? ;) Just kidding of course. Outstanding! :) 

Thanks Charlie :)
The secret Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is a chewed twig, but dry the chewed end before using :)


When we had  rental house, many years ago, I did my annual inspection and the tenants had painted the lounge-room walls. I'm sure they used a straw broom. They also used it to fly around looking for new accommodation ;)

4 hours ago, jamieline said:

John, these are great. For reference, how tall the the cat rocker?



The size of the cat rocker is 150 x 150mm (Aprox 6" x 6") The hippos are slightly bigger being 160 x 160mm. All are within those sizes. The apple and worm is 175 x 135mm and the Motor bikes are 230 x 100mm. they all are 28mm thick.

Hope this helps

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